Hi everyone, I met this person via OLD, and we’ve been hitting it off. We started dating in January and for me, things got serious. I like her a lot, but she says that she is unsure about her feelings for me.

We’ve gone on dates, held hands, kissed, cuddled, made love, etc. I believe we’ve also had an emotional connection, we’ve told each other things that we would never tell anyone else, and we’ve been emotionally vulnerable to one another as well.

We text daily and call every night, she tells me she misses me and wants me to text her more. We’ve also made plans/dates for the near future, and she has gotten me gifts. Every single person I tell this to thinks that we are 100% a couple and in a relationship.

The issue is, she’s still in love with her ex, and I respect her for admitting it to me. I asked her if she still wants to keep seeing me, and she says yes, she does, because she wants to see if her feelings for me will develop. She has told me that she gets “glimpses of liking me” (whatever that means) whenever I text her and when we’re together. She doesn’t think about her ex when we’re together, but she thinks about him when she’s alone, and I’ve asked her if she would go back to him if he ever came back into her life, and she said no, she doesn’t want to wait for him.

For now, I’ve decided to give her some time and space so that she can figure out what it is that she wants, and I’m currently keeping minimal contact between us, so no more texting daily or calling every night. I will check in on her once in a while, but not like before.

Am I being a fool? Thank you.


TL;DR: Girl i’m dating is in love with her ex, and is unsure about her feelings for me, but wants to keep dating me and she sends me mixed signals…

  1. I’m not trying to be hurtful, just direct: yes, you’re being a tremendous fool. Please stop. This is ridiculous.

  2. Communication is key in any relationship. Have an open and honest conversation with her about your concerns and see where you both stand.

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