I’ve had a friend for several years who is about 6 years younger than me. He’s been part of my life since 2018 when we met at work.
He was in a long term relationship with someone and I dated on and off. He became a close friend, he’s spent time with my family during family gatherings and my family loves him.
He’s single after years of being with a long term girlfriend and has started coming around more. He’s had dinner with my family, he’s been active with my son’s sports and has purchased gear for my son who he adores. My son absolutely loves him and they’ve always gotten along really well for the past several years.
He’s made comments that “we’d look good as a family” and my mom mentioned her wanting another grandbaby… He said, “naw i think we’re good with the one we have”. He has never showed interest and neither have I but I’m a bit confused. I don’t want to make things weird and ask him about dating or what he wants. I feel like he would need to be the one to do that.
I know there could be potential for me to grow to like him, but what does this sound like? He’s always been active in our lives and a friend I could count on no matter what.
Is he trying to get to me thru my son? Is he dropping (not so subtle) hints?
Opinions please?
Thank you

1 comment
  1. It’s possible he might be hinting. I’ve asked out several friends and never lost a friendship because of it. Do you think you will regret not trying several years down the road? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the woman making the first move.

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