Fun question, my girl is sleeping over tonight but there is a game. Most likely she wont like me watching instead of hanging with her. I love her but also I want to see the game. Any advise on how to get girlfriend to leave me alone?

Fun question so please be chill. Thanks everyone.

  1. “Hey I love that you’re here but there’s a game on that I planned to watch”

  2. Involve her in the activity. If she doesnt like sports make it a drinking game.
    Or spend time with her and you know…watch the game later.

  3. Gotta make it worth her time. What reward would she like? Something she gets every time a score occurs, or a certain thing happens in the game. Either lots of small rewards, or a few big rewards. Make it seem like she came out the winner on this.

  4. Don’t do anything you would not normally do. Assure her she will get 100% of you attention when the game is over and invite her to watch it with you. Let her see the real you. She will either like it nor not.

  5. Um…. record the game and watch it later? Heck, that way you could even skip through boring parts.

    Or flip the script and consider how you would feel in her position. Say you’re going to stay over at her place. That night or the next day, there is some live event she wants to watch that you have absolutely zero interest in. How would you take it? Would you start thinking “Why did I bother coming over?” or “Is that show more important than time with me?”. Would you take it so far as to consider leaving until it was over?

    Speaking as an old married guy, I suspect watching the game will create some resentment on her part at a minimum. Might want to consider whether or not watching the game is worth that resentment.

  6. Stop wasting your time watching sports. Just check the score or watch the highlights after it ends.

  7. Run her a nice bubble bath just as the game is about to start and then when she’s finished their might not be much of the game left so she will be happy to watch the rest

  8. I am having a hard time imagining anything I would rather watch on TV than spend time with my SO.

  9. 1. You don’t “make” her.

    2. You make a deal. You’ll watch something that she wants to watch with you if she’ll do the same with you. Also if either of you don’t like it(after trying it)you both won’t push the issue any further.

  10. UPDATE: Thanks for all your convo/comments.

    Girlfriend was late so I watch 30 mins uninterrupted and got a good chunk of the rest. She seem to just accept it as I was already having it on. Her nail being pretty make this really smooth

  11. You can’t do both?

    Get her favorite beverage and snack and put her on the couch close to you

    Explain the game and it’s nuances to her while you’re watching together, if that doesn’t work, just start making out with her and watch the game out of the corner of your eye

  12. Did you already know you were going to watch the game before she came over? If so, should have told her to stay another time.

  13. You say – I watch football, this is what I like to do and this is what I will do sometimes, and just turn on the TV. You can still talk to her during the game, you dont have to stare at her directly all the time

  14. Say you wanna try bdsm, turn on some loud romantic music, handcuff her to the bed, then leave to the pub to watch the game haha

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