Hi, I’m 16 years old and I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve been friends on and off with 2 girls since about 5 years now. With one of the girls I was best friends the other one was just very close friend. Let’s call my ex best friend Sarah. Sarah and I were really close we did everything together we were that duo. Since last summer we started to have little unimportant fights and we got kinda distant. Now she is really close with my other friend let’s call her Mary. Sarah and Mary are best friends now and I’m not gonna lie it hurts since I don’t have any friends besides them. Yesterday we had a call to third,. They dragged me emotionally downing felt like a pice of shit. I felt alone it’s like thy teamed up and put me down ( they apologized afterwords but still said they were in the right. Basically the fight started because I confronted Thema about something they did. Mary told a secret of mine someone else and I was really upset about it so I talked to them but nicely but they they dragged me down and yelled at me and said that I don’t have any right to be upset about it . They called me names I felt awful and broke down. When we saw each other at school we all acted normal like nothing happend. Deep down I’m still broken and I want to leave them the problem is I don’t have any other friend then Them so I basically can’t. Now what should I do should I look for new friends and if where can I find new friends ?? It’s so hard. I’m feeling depressed lately bc I’m very lonely ( without sounding edgy) and advice or comment would help thank you. Sorry for my bad grammar I’m not from an English speaking country

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