I hate breakups and I hate falling in love with someone’s potential.

I am newly single and thought my ex was my person.

People change when the mask falls off and he wasn’t as nice as he portrayed himself to be.

He turned into someone I didn’t even know, someone so careless with my heart. He constantly picked on me, gaslit me, wasn’t very affectionate, and was pretty selfish at times. Pretty much the opposite of the man I fell for, in the beginning.

I’ve tried putting myself out there, mostly for some physical stuff, but I forgot how disgusting the dating world is.

I wanted it to be him, I never wanted to
have to date again!! It sucks!!!

  1. You’ll get over with time and working on yourself. I have felt same when I went through similar phase, it was hella hard but eventually things started falling into place

  2. It takes time to get to know someone, to get past the dating stage to friendship. Dating is propaganda, trying to impress like a new car salesman. Friendship is when you are yourself in person, and see the real other person, …
    Are your values and hopes compatible?
    Is communication clear between you?
    Can you talk through things?
    Are you comfortable?
    Other questions apply …

  3. You are not alone. A guy I thought was “the one” ended the relationship after 4 y, only 2 months before the wedding, without any warning or prior arguments. What helps me is: yoga, long walks, running, meditation, nature, books by Stefanie Stahl, cheerful music, true friends and family, working on yourself, TV show After Life. It is devastating to go thought this, but you will get through. Whisper to yourself “I am strong” and work on it.

  4. I’m so sorry! That sucks!! Heartbreak is the worst, and then trying to whether the dating scene again, any time, let alone when you’re still recovering from that is pretty brutal. So many people are so disgusting 😩
    I know it doesn’t feel like it, but with time it will get better. Still figuring out how to navigate todays dating world, it feels like so much work to work through all the ass holes out there 😩

  5. Believe me, I know what you’re going through. But you’ll pick yourself up and be better than you were before.

    I thought it was him. I wanted it to be him so bad. But it didn’t turn out the way I wanted to so I had to move on.

  6. Everyone wears a mask in front of everyone else. People say they don’t, but they do. It’s necessary. You do as well. It takes time for those masks to slip, don’t go for nice though. “Nice” in my opinion is a horrible thing to be, it’s for the ignorant, foolish, and the selfish. Look for good character instead. May save yourself time and trouble.

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