So my girlfriend didn’t like the idea at first and after a while of me talking about it she finally said she was open to it but she’s still hesitant.

I’m not someone who forces her and doesn’t plan to, I just wanna know what to say so she knows it probably won’t be that bad.

I’ve never done it but it’s been a fantasy for me so who knows, I may not even like it. I still wanna try though.

I think it’s probably cause she’s Latina and Latina women got HAIR lol. I love hair tho so there’s no issue for me.

Women, what do yall think? Do yall like getting yalls ass ate? Or no?

  1. Personally it does nothing for me compared to getting oral laying on my back lol. It feels OK I guess ,but I’m not into anal either so it just doesn’t really do anything. my vagina is where all the sensitivity is for me at least. i’ve got a feeling that her insecurity about you doing it comes from just not wanting to smell or whatever because if it’s like the first time she’s doing it she might just be a little iffy so maybe approach her right when she gets out of the shower so that she’s feeling fresh and clean and then she’ll probably have less reservations and insecurity about it and let it happen. Or do it when she’s laying on her stomach in the bed just go and pull her pants down but don’t force something that she’s not into. Obviously. lol

  2. We can’t really help without knowing what her specific issues with it are, so maybe you should ask her what they are and address them if possible. e.g. do it immediately after a shower, compliment her before/during/after, etc.

    But ultimately, if she says no then the answer is no.

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