I have a date with someone on Tuesday! We’ve been friends for a long time but our timing has been poor. We’re finally both single and have admitting our feelings for one another. Our feelings are apparently mutual and now there’s this awkward air that surrounds us. I’m for sure overthinking everything but I’m trying to figure out how to bridge the gap from friends to dating. I’m hopeful that during our date on Tuesday things will become comfortable for the both of us but I could use any advice that might help!

  1. Off the top of my head

    1 use what you know, you already know what they like use that.
    (Food, activities and locations)

    2 be normal, she wants to date that guy who she has been hanging out with (if you normally tease her tease her, if you make dumb jokes keep that up)

    3 your on a date make things a little intimate (go slow, a hand hold, a side hug, you have a level of trust talk and ask for what you want)

    4 don’t bring up exes, don’t do too much, don’t spend a ton of money (unless you are doing something she always wanted to), go easy on the compliment, don’t be afraid to do something you have done before and relax. Limit your drug and alcohol use

    5 wear a new shirt something you think she’ll like even if you are not sure (sends a good message)

    6 don’t be afraid to call it (especially if things are going well), remember this is only the beginning

    7 do your best to listen and play off what she say

    8 try to have fun

    Good luck

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