So, my job is to watch porn videos and tag them correctly. I do it almost 6 hours each day, it’s extremely boring and the constant erection doesn’t help. How long does it take before i get used to it?

  1. This is like the old question we’d ask the girl who worked at the ice cream shop: “How do you work there without eating ice cream all day?!”

    The answer is: It stops being fun at about your third scoop.

    Enjoy it while it lasts. Within a month you’d be lucky if you could react to Lana Rhoades sitting in your lap.

  2. My general experience is that everything becomes more interesting when you get into the details. So for example learning a bit about video production so you can start analyzing and critiquing videos as you go would give you something to think about so it’s not so mindless.

  3. The saying goes “you can get used to anything in 6 months” but IDK if that applies to porn.

    Anytime I have something menial and repetitive like that, I find ways to have fun with it. Try to figure out which videos used the same house. Rate their tattoos. Critique the film making.

    Sounds like a crappy job tbh. Do you have to actually watch or can you just scan through it?

  4. Whoa. Hold up cowboy.

    First. How how does one get this kind of job, and secondly how does this job pay?!

  5. How much does something like that pay, if you don’t mind me asking? Sorry, just genuinely curious. I didn’t even know this was a type of job.

  6. I would actually be careful, the visuals for that many hours for extended periods can lead to a weird dopamine/libido response.

    I would try turning down your screen brightness, simply skipping 30 seconds at a time, skimming over it. And taking extra attention to not whack off lol. Try not to let the constant brain stimulation fuck with your real sex life

  7. Like any job, things start out hard, but once you get some hands on experience things begin to come more freely and all the tension leaks right out of you.

  8. **FAST FORWARD**. I’m talkin 2x speed+ for every video.

    **You don’t NEED sound**, so listen to music, have a podcast in the background. Something you, are actually interested in, but not enough that you shut your eyes off.

    **TAKE frequent breaks**. Not just for your eyes, but to give you brain a rest from the imagery.

    **Your workflow should have you spending as LITTLE TIME on each video as possible.**

    As for the erection, I’d take it as a good sign that you aren’t desensitized.

    **Also, where do I apply?**

  9. Feel your pain bro, worked a sheep shearer for many years and it got boring and the hard on was a constant annoyance

  10. My advice – RUN, before it screws you up.

    Find another job, anything, sweeping streets or stocking shelves or something is better than that.

    It’s like being a content moderator for Facebook, but worse.

  11. Hi, i was a video tagger for one of the Xcompanies.
    Better start finding another job.
    If you stay there long you are at risk of getting inmune to arousal.

  12. Genuine answer:

    As someone who likes porn and also *really* likes cataloging in his free time, this sounds like lots of fun.

    I’ll answer for myself though. Beat one off before you start, and After all the porn consumption I’ve had, you just kind of “turn off” your body’s reaction to the visual stimulations while trying to organize your libraries. When there’s something you want to come back to for later, finding it again Will be much easier.

    Even after the hours of tagging and organizing I do for myself for free, I still have a pretty healthy and active sex life with my wife. Natural stresses, distractions and the like of course make me soft a little easier, but for the most part sex doesn’t really give me any performance anxiety since my wife is communicative enough to help me make her orgasm.

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