I 53 (F) Several weeks ago I sent a dm to my first boyfriend 53 (m) from 30 years ago. Hewas my best friend and I wanted to marry him. We broke up stopped being friends because it was too hard for both of us. We each married and had kids.

The message I sent was if you want to reconnect great and if you don’t great. Well he did and he asked if we could talk on the phone. I said yes and he called. Everything was going great. Talked about family, old friends etc. He brought up that we were too young and would never have made it if we married. I said the hardest part about the break up was losing my best friend. He then stated he is not going to cheat on his wife. I never asked or suggested that. He kept saying it even though I tried to change the subject. I said I had to go. I wanted to tell him I don’t want to want to cheat on my husband but decided not to. I didn’t want to argue or say something I shouldn’t so said I had to go.

We have not spoken since.

I don’t know why but it bothers me that he still thinks I contacted him to cheat on my husband. I just wanted to reconnect with my best friend. Should I just let him think what he wants?

TLDR summary should I just let my ex boyfriend who I haven’t spoken to in 30 years ago was my best friend think I contacted him to cheat on our spouses or should I just let him think something that is not true.

  1. You can’t control what he thinks, but you know your true intentions. Let it go and move on.

  2. Cuz u contacted an old flame. Someone u loved deeply. Like I hope u don’t let ur husband know u did that. Cuz I sure as damn hell wouldn’t be ok with it.

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