I 25F am dating 35M (2 months) and I’ve noticed he’s been constantly nitpicking things I do wrong and when I stand there taking everything all in he notices I get tired of it and hugs and kisses me to make it better. He nitpicks the most smallest things as if I’ve done something big wrong. There’s many examples but just an hour ago I put my headphones near my pillow and he got angry it was there. Or I put a half empty coffee cup next to my bed (where I haven’t finished) but he would make it a big deal I put it there despite me still drinking it. I’m a very hygienic clean person but it seems as if i can’t do anything right.

  1. Well If the night stand is wood you will leave rings on it if you don’t use a coaster…

    I get he’s 10 years older than you maybe he takes better care of his home and his stuff? If you find that annoying just tell him to stop? Maybe tell him you don’t care as much about keeping the place neat so either he cleans up or hires a maid because you’re not interested in living life that way?

  2. See the very fact that you’re asking means that it is a red flag. You know it. Your gut knows it. But you want someone to tell you it’s not. Listen to your instincts. You don’t need to rely on Reddit strangers to tell you what you already know.

  3. Lose this guy and find someone younger who isn’t controlling. You have only invested 2 months and can make a clean break. The longer you wait, the harder it will be.

  4. Remind him to stop if you can bares it. Leave if you can’t. You guys only been dating 2 months. Life is too short to be put down all the time.

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