What makes you feel appreciated and or valued?

  1. Words of affirmation and physical touch (can be nonsexual like hugs,fistbumps and handshakes for peers) . Thanks for not making me feel like shit when I think I am sometimes.

  2. When I catch myself rambling about movie production trivia and see the person I’m rambling to hasn’t had their eyes glaze over.

  3. Just a simple acknowledgment of something well done. I work entirely with men. I have lost 35 lbs over the last year and not a single one of my male coworkers has even mentioned it to me. Not even in a joking manner. So either they haven’t noticed or don’t feel comfortable saying, “hey dude, you lost some weight, you look healthier.” Or even caring enough to say, “it looks like you lost some weight, is your health good?” I mean, I could have terminal cancer and not a single person even enquired.

    I always, always make sure to tell the guys I work with when they do something really well. Just a simple, “Dude, good job. We nailed that one.”

    I wish men felt more comfortable propping each other up, instead of beating each other down. And probably some of us go home and get shit on because we didn’t acknowledge some new hair highlights or a new pair of shoes. Anyway.

  4. Like everyone else is saying, words of affirmation. People telling you you’ve made a positive impact on their lives etc. People doing nice things for you as well, but it doesn’t happen often and honestly you should never be kind to expect kindness in return, it usually won’t come back to you

  5. Well, I would like a hug but that will never happen.

    So the next best thing I can hope for is my YouTube plans succeeding so I can build an audience. At least having a community might br the closest I can ever be to getting friends. I want to be a YouTuber who is also just your average citizen who doed normal stuff in life as well.

    A YouTuber that also watched the other cool ones, One that comments on video’s and won’t exclusively interact with people that have a similar following. I would love to get like 100k subs and then casually respond to -5k sub channels that I consider hidden gems.

    That, but a hug works as well.

  6. When women ask how I’m doing and they expect an honest answer instead of the generic, “I’m doing well, how about you?” I feel really valued when people actually want to know how I’m doing and will check in on me occasionally to be sure I’m doing well. I guess I just feel valued when I know someone cares, especially if they are the one to initiate the conversation.

  7. Pretty much just someone that helps me when i have troubles. (Personal.or business)

    And when.i help.them and get a thank you. I ront need an explanation for everything. Just a sensere thank you is enough for me

  8. Genuine kindess, taking time out of their they to appreciate what I did for them or the things I work hard to do

  9. When someone pays me to do something I’m good at. There’s a (not so?) fine line between people saying “that’s really cool” and thinking it’s cool enough to give you money for it.

  10. Making time or plans with me. Especially for celebrations, after spending time apart.

    Asking for my help or to teach something makes me feel valued as well.

  11. Words of affirmation , the person knowing about the little things that you enjoy , people texting / calling just to listen and not preach .

  12. Getting my flowers while I can still smell them. I never overstate my importance in people’s lives so it feels good when someone tells me how much I have positively impacted them.

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