Have you ever defriended or faded on a guy friend over how he treated a woman? If so, what was the circumstance?

  1. After my divorce my best friend tried to date my ex wife. It wasn’t so much an issue as he was divorced as well and we had all been really good friends for years. But when she didn’t want to turn the friendship into a romantic/intimate one he stopped talking to her. So I stopped talking to him.

  2. Just stopped being friends with a guy. He has a habit of being interested in women, then continuing to pursue when they’ve told him they’re not interested.

    He’ll decide stuff like “body language” and “vibes” supersede clearly stated disinterest, then get pissy when she starts dating someone else because she “led him on”.

    First time I had to give him a come to Jesus talk, he seemed to get better. The second time it came up, I told him that we weren’t friends anymore.

    Most of my friends are women. I can’t be friends with someone I can’t trust around my friends.

  3. Absolutely. My sister in laws cousin was a raging piece of shit to women and I knew that even in high school. It was no surprise that he later was arrested for domestic violence.

  4. One cheated and wouldn’t stop

    One thought all women want to be raped (I’m a survivor of pedofilia / child sexual abuse. So that wouldn’t go over with me at all anyways)

  5. Was good friends with a guy I went on a joint business venture. Transpired that he was privately prosecuted for kicking the sh*t out of his ex girlfriend when she cheated on him. After I discovered that fact, all the weird character traits he had (like cctv INSIDE his house for e.g.) pointed to a dark side of his personality which I couldn’t work with or be around.

  6. He beat up his girlfriend, isolated her from friends and family, and tried to make her dependent on him in every aspect of her life. I might dislike women and generally avoid their company, but I don’t abuse them. That’s a line I won’t cross.

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