Hello everyone, I currently attend a university in the city where I was born and raised and live at home (first year). Growing up I was never “popular” but I always had friends. Looking back though, I never really had a set group of friends till about grade 7. I have a lot of acquaintances and friends but I don’t really text or hangout with them often. I have two close friends, we text and hangout fairly often, while I’m happy for them as their social transition into university had been really great, I feel so socially stunted.

I met people in my classes and help each other with school work and joke around, but I would really consider them my “friends”. We don’t hangout or text outside of class. My close friends are in the faculty of science, so naturally making friends comes much easier due to the need collaboration. I on the other am a political science major, so the classes first year are very isolating as people basically come to lecture and head straight home, at my university there is campus culture at all (except for the people who live on campus of course).

It seems that everyone has their established friend groups, I know there are others feeling lonely like me (I see them complaining on Reddit) but I never actually cross paths with them.

I won’t lie also that I haven’t joined any clubs, but I have morning classes and most clubs are at 6pm at night, I don’t want to stay on campus that long. Another issue I face is that I don’t drink or party so it’s difficult to be find people who also don’t do that stuff.

It’s embarrassing I have to come to Reddit but I want to make a change and make real legitimate friends. I try to be friendly and have good hygiene and smile but nothing seems to work. I feel especially as a girl, loneliness is way worse.

This semester is nearly done, but I have a Spring class in May and June twice a week so I’m hoping maybe I can meet some new people there. I also signed up for the media project during the Spring so I hope that will help also.

Does any have any pro life tips? I am in desperate need.

  1. There are friendly acquaintances in your classes. You can invite them to hang out. If they say yes, bam, they are now a friend. What exactly is stopping you that you haven’t mentioned in your post?

  2. Try to get more familiar and hang out with the people you vibe in you class while the class is still happening so you can spend time with them even after the class ends!

    Or, universities have social clubs that are always looking for new members.
    The people there have similar interests as you so it’ll be easier to get closer to them too

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