Be it let’s say religious differences, different geographical locations Ina few years or months even, children etc.

  1. If there’s no future, how is it even a relationship? That would just be dating/fucking for fun with no expectations. But as for how long I’d stay…I’d stay til it’s not fun anymore.

  2. Depends on what I was looking for at the time.

    A casual relationship? For however long we both decided to stay together. Anything more serious? I’d give it a few months to see if the circumstances change then have a talk with my partner about our future. If nothing changes, I’m gone.

  3. The trouble is **accepting** that there is no future, and that is not easy to do even if it seems obvious in retrospect.

  4. Depends on whether it *actually* has no future or if I’m just (possibly incorrectly) assuming it has no future.

    When I first started dating my now-spouse, they were planning on marrying their other partner (we’re polyamorous) and they lived in a different country from me. I assumed our relationship would always have to be long-distance and lower-priority than their relationships with local partners. However, we loved each other so much, and our life circumstances shifted so much, that things changed and we are now married and trying to move to be together.

  5. I wouldn’t enter a relationship like that now in my 30s. Because a relationship that has no future is also a relationship that doesn’t have enough compatibility. Otherwise it WOULD have a potential of a future.

    Back in my 20s I did enter couple dating situations and one relationship when I saw a very small chance of having a future. I can’t say that’s when I left but looking back I think the right time to get out of them was when one side started to get distant which happens within the first year usually. At that point you need to work on the relationship to keep it going and I don’t think it’s worth the effort if it doesn’t even have a future.

  6. I always knew I wanted a family and a husband. That required me to only look at long term potential. If you want a long term relationship, don’t waste your time or theirs on dating someone who isn’t a compatible life partner.

  7. If I knew there were conflicting needs and no future, I wouldn’t enter it/stay in it. Compatible lifestyles and shared values are essential to me in a relationship.

  8. As long as it is fun and pleasure for both of us… Life can be short and ugly, so I will enjoy it when I can, and love knowing that it will not last.

  9. I take dating very seriously so once I have realized I don’t see a long term future together I would call things off. I not only want to give myself enough time to find the right person but I want the other person to have enough time to find their soulmate. I wouldn’t feel good about using someone for something when I know I don’t see forever with them.

  10. If I was 100% certain that there is no future, I would immidiately break it off.
    However, there are some solutions for different plans for the future, so it depends if there could be compromise or if it does have a definite end-date.

  11. If it was a dealbreaker like religion or children I never would have entered the relationship at all. If it was just something like long distance, I was in one of those for 8 years with no end in sight and that’s not why we separated. I don’t understand what no future means in this context. Nothing lasts forever.

  12. Why would you stay or do anything if you knew it wasn’t going to go anywhere? I do think that a lot of people do things they don’t want to do because they want to get somewhere quick or even get there at all but if you knew that then you might as well do what you want to do.

  13. I would fine it hard to get past the first date with someone that incompatible.

  14. I stayed in a casual but monogamous relationship off and on for a year. I knew we were not compatible long term but he was fun and we’d both recently ended serious relationships and weren’t ready to jump in to anything like that. I did eventually end things because I wanted to find something real and I was developing feelings I knew I should not have!

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