What would happen if porn suddenly disappeared?

  1. Men would go back to jacking off to the Victoria’s Secret catalog and their imagination.

  2. I haven’t watched porn in a few years so I wouldn’t care. Porn is a freaking waste of time and pointless.

  3. Do you mean if every single video and image disappeared from the internet?

    Give it a couple of hours there’ll be more.

  4. Porn questions would still be asked in this subreddit instead of r/porn.

  5. “There would then only be one website titled ‘Bring back the porn’.”

    -Dr. Cox

  6. Within the first 6 months we’d have cracked time travel, the warp drive and and the cure for cancer.

  7. As far as men, it’d probably break some of them since some guys use porn if they don’t have access to sex, and men do develop porn addictions. Not sure what would happen to those guys or any man but I think it’d make a lot of guys a little more aggressive.

  8. The world would get collectively more depressed for a month then men will transcend being and actually get somewhere in life.

  9. Clearly, you have miscalculated what men can turn into porn. You’re better off asking what men would do if the sun exploded and consumed the earth in a short-lived molten hell. The answer, invent molten hell porno be it short-lived.

  10. In a few decades, men wouldn’t expect women to do anal and want cum on their face as if it was a no brainer vanilla sexual staple.

  11. I saw an extra curvy piece of driftwood the other day…. I’ll be right back.

  12. If porn disappeared then all the social media like Instagram/tiktok/facebook would also go. Men wouldn’t be able to get their easy titilation fix and women wouldn’t be able to get their attention validation fix. Honestly if they both went away it might be for the best and both could reconnect in a more natural way.

  13. Good mental health and wellbeing has entered the chat

    erectile dysfunction insecurity has left the chat

  14. My friends would become a lot more bored and probably want to hang out more. I’m all for it. When do we make this magical event happen?

  15. Men’s mental health would take a drastic up turn.

    Not saying that women don’t consume it, but the majority of addicts are men

    My sex ed teacher was correct when he said that it rots your brain.

    It doesn’t “rot” it but it fucks with your dopamine receptors.

  16. Erotic fiction would become very popular. For those of us who grew up with Penthouse forum, it would be a return to the past.

  17. Women would be treated better and men wouldn’t be so out of touch with reality & themselves

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