I’d like to ask a girl out via Instagram. We went to University together and I’ve always had a crush on her, we have spoken quite a few times in person, we had a couple group projects together during Uni and we went on a Uni group trip to Barcelona together (as a class). She is super vibrant and outgoing (very gorgeous too) and I’m an introvert so this has always kind of intimidated (?) me about asking her out.

It’s now been 2 years since graduation and we have been in touch a couple of times via Instagram DM. We share a love for hillwalking and adventure so I’m hoping to use that as an excuse to start a chat. She likes to surf and I’d love to learn so I could maybe ask her to teach me (jokingly, I also should learn to swim first haha).

I just want to know if this would be considered weird or creepy? And what would be the best way to ask her out on a date specifically, I feel like if I ask her out for “a drink/coffee” she will think I’m asking as a friend, how can I be clear I’m romantically interested? Thanks!

  1. I also found out she is single recently because her profile came up on Hinge, I didn’t swipe because I always feel awkward matching with people I know via apps

  2. Go talk to her directly, asking over Instagram has far lesser chances than in actual (have done this mistake) and you might loose value too.

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