I (19nb) had a crush on this guy (18M) for a couple years now. We met online and we clicked. We were pretty good friends for awhile. I developed a crush on him and it made talking to him difficult because he had a girlfriend. Eventually, we stopped talking because the pain of not being able to love him was too much for me.

Fast forward to about a month ago, I found him on Tinder and he is now single. I added him back on Snapchat and we started talking again. I liked him and he liked me, but he was hurt from his previous relationship, so he wanted to take things very slowly.

After talking for a few weeks, he let me visit him at his apartment. I got to see more of his kind and nurturing personality and I absolutely loved it. We kissed quite a few times as well, and he was very good at it. The way he kissed me was soft and sweet.

We talked some more in the weeks to come, until he got in a fight with his ex-girlfriend. He told me he was staying off social media for mental health reasons and gave me his phone number. I texted him and never got a response. I sent a couple more messages, and still, no response.

I talked to my best friend (at the time; we have since had a bitter falling out) and we decided I should go to his apartment with some gifts and check up on him, because he could be going through a depression. I did exactly that, and he wasn’t home. I left his gifts with his roommate with a note in the bag, and I left. He texted me several hours later saying he got my gifts and he thought it was cute. He also mentioned that he wasn’t doing too well.

After that, he stopped texting me again. It’s been over 2 weeks. He hasn’t texted me since 4/9/22. I want to keep pursuing this because I reallyyy like him. I haven’t felt this way about someone since I had feelings for my ex-best friend. I’m just scared I’m wasting my time. What do y’all think I should do?

1 comment
  1. Break ups fuck you up. Like severely fuck you up. So you definitely have a couple questions you should ask yourself

    1. Is he worth it (not as cruel as I’d like to sound, but really do ask yourself this)
    2. Were you a rebound

    If you feel that your feelings for him were genuine, and you really do care for him in a way that you’d extend a hand to him, then offer it. Let him know that you’re there to talk. That’s all you can really do. It’s by no means an obligation of course, but if you really think that he’s worth it then I think you should.
    The other part is rebounds. He’s probably really emotionally unstable right now. If he asked to keep things toned down for a bit then I imagine he’s still feeling this breakup, even after all the kissing and such. It takes time to heal those wounds, Tinder surely won’t fix it. Just let him know you’re there for him, I’m sure he’d appreciate it. Give him a little time to heal, and I’m sure it’ll be fine. Show him that you care

    But hey what do I know :L

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