Ok Reddit. So I’m gonna give you guys a rundown of just TODAY. ONE DAY. AND THIS IS A NORMAL DAY FOR ME. It just so happens March 21 is the day of my mother’s death anniversary. R.imo Deborah Farina. My gf will tell me I’m drinking too much, but I only drank one Reds wicked and a Budweiser. She has four drinks they’re those ” Beat Boxe”s. I’m trying to play my game on my day off and she’s telling at me to finish her resume so she can get free money from the government cus she can’t figure out how to change it herself. Well her mother who has to stick her nose in everything says “I’m DONE.(KAREN STATUS VOICE), he can’t come over here anymore if he isn’t gonna do this FOR YOU!!!!!!!” I’m like “wait I just CUT your. toe. nails. for you!!! (she’s 72) and paid you 20$ in gas just to come over. Then she says “ugh your SICK. ALWAYS BRINGING UP THING TO PUT OVER OUR HEADS!” IM THINKING ” ugh…..I can’t even get a ride to work three minutes (not exaggerating) without being bitched at to her daughter while I’m IN THE CAR LIKE…I CAN HEAR YOU! WTF. So since today is my mom’s death anniversary I wanted to drink my beer alone and not bother anyone I gave my girl money and her mother money, mind you I DONT LIVE WITH THEM. SO I DONT OWE HER ANYTHING. But whatever. So I say I’m leaving and then all of a sudden my gf says “JUST BE A NORMA PERSON ANF GO TO SLEEP!” IM about to have an aneurysm at this point. So I think “okay, I’ll just shut up, leave them be, and go to work tomorrow, and they’ll be mature enough to leave me alone. Oh btw I’m 27 years old , my gf is 39 and her mother is 72. And they’re EXTREMELY ANNOYING AND CHILDISH. SHES IN THE PHONE COMPLAINING ABOUT ME AS I WRITE THIS. This is 1% of their bullshit. What do I do….. opinions. (Serious only) and I’m POSITIVE EVERYONE WILL THINK IM OVER EXAGERATING, OR IM NOT SAYING ANYTHING BAD THAT I EID BUT I. DID. NOT. DO .JACK. anyway hmu people

  1. I would have an ex-girlfriend and do what I wanted without their nasty commentary. Why are you in this relationship? I think being single would be preferrable. How do these people add joy and meaning to your life?

  2. You realize you don’t have to date this person, right?

    Your life would improve dramatically if you just ghosted these psychos.

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