Curious overall, here’s a basic breakdown so it makes it easier for everyone to scan the answers and see the variety.

\- Pre-pregnancy: was it planned? intentionally solo? dating? were you preparing a lot, changing your lifestyle (eating etc.) that kind of stuff.

\- Pregnancy: was it lots of medical care? natural? social support/pressures etc.? lots of preparation classes/guides (lamaz/parenting etc.)? was it midwives, doctors, gyro etc.

\- Delivery: idk was it at home? is that norm? hospital? etc.

\- 1st year/post-partum\*: how long were you ‘off’? nursing? preparing all the little milestones, food introduction, vax/nonvax etc.

\*what do they consider postpartum where you are? Not sure if its different by medical terms or just just when you go back to work so I just put it as first year.

It would be cool (if you are willing) to say where you were at the time (city/country/region) and where your home culture is ‘from’/like (seeing as families these days are mixed, moved etc.).

I hope it’s ok Admins, I did read the rules and did my best.

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