After 7 years and $20,000 later. (Thanks younger me) I am going to officially be debt free within the next 3 weeks. I want to something to celebrate all my hard work was thinking of getting a custom diploma made and hanging it on my wall but there’s gotta be a better solution than that. Whatcha got lads?

  1. Hold a party in a 5 star hotel and invite everyone you know and buy the most expensive cakes and champagne they have.

  2. Take a self care day. I’m talking about sauna, massage, good food. It really boosts your moral and is pretty affordable. My last selfcare day with my wife was about $500-600. If it’s just you I imagine you could do a self care day for a couple hundred bucks.

  3. Take the money you were using to pay down debt and invest it. Now is not the time to start spending more because you can. You’ve gotten used to spending less, keep it up.

  4. How about something really sexy – a start of roth retirement account, and go a little crazy and buy some gold.

    then if you have some money left over – some beer and BBQ with the friends.

    edit – take care of your long term retirement, and savings. Before short term enjoyment because social security is not going to exist at this pace.

  5. Buy yourself something premium that lasts. A watch, a leather jacket, whatever but make it a quality lifetime gift to yourself.

  6. Just an FYI once you are debt free your credit score will drop. It’s stupid but that’s how it works. Whenever you know you’ll need a higher score find something you genuinely need and out it on a 0% no interest plan if possible and your score will go up usually within a month. After the credit check pay it back off.

  7. Pat yourself on the back. Promise to never do it again. Build up a decent savings then invest

  8. My goto for financial victories is a bottle of rootbeer and/or a snickers bar. One time I paid off all my debt and bought a fuckin tuxedo …instant regret and lesson learned.

  9. Take the money you were putting towards debt and save it! If you can save $20,000 chances are you will never need to borrow money again!

    Me personally, I would celebrate with a really good meal, I’m talking filet mignon and lobster!

    Congrats!!!!! I am working on it myself!

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