Me and My girlfriend has been together for a year and a week and I’m analyzing our whole relationship. Before me and her got together I exited a relationship with whom I thought was the LOML. I’m not comparing anyone but when I was with her I realized that I loved her throughout our whole relationship & I never got tired of loving her or got bored it was like I learned something new from her alot and it was beautiful. With my current girlfriend In my mind I just have darkness. I’m a very vibrant and Open person who Love life but I think that It’s gotten stagnant . She’s an amazing person but I think she’s kind of dull a little. She doesn’t like me having other female friends other than my Immediate friends I’ve been having and I’m a very nice and open person who loves life and people but since I’ve been with her that has slowly went away. Keep in mind she is an amazing girlfriend but I think I want something else or someone I KNOW i can love.

;TLDR : Been with girlfriend for a year and think I want something different because I feel like relationship is dull and that we aren’t compatible

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