“Young” and “old” are subjective. Whatever wisdom you have to pass on, I’m all ears!

  1. Take care of your teeth. I neglected them and now I pay out of my ass for their care

  2. You miss every shot you don’t take, but shooting at everything that moves is not the way to go.

  3. GenXer here. The only thing I really have to say to the younger generations is:

    You guys seem to piss and moan a lot! Life isn’t easy, it isn’t fair…it’s never been easy, it’s never been fair…and it never will be, at least not in our lifetimes, and complaining about that only makes shit seem worse. Focus on the things you can control and stop sweating the things you can’t.

  4. Get off Reddit, social media and dating apps.

    Your mental health will thank you.

  5. Develop good habits- regular exercise, healthy diet, stay away from tobacco, drugs and keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum.

    Also, as early as possible, start investing a small amount of every pay check into an index fund, and don’t touch any of that money until you’re thinking about buying a house.

  6. GenX here, raised by a family who were in their teens in WWII in Holland – everything is relative. Make the best of your (all caps) life, and be a respectable example to others – stand up to those who don’t have your best interests in mind. Society likes to put labels on age – don’t let them fool you. Certain professions only have your money and demise in mind, dentistry being one of them. There are many options out there to stay healthy and feel young. Be open to opportunity and don’t harm others even if your peers put pressure on you. Karma can be a b*tch.

  7. Don’t live in the moment so much. Think about your future and develop good habits that will help you start building towards that future.

    And don’t get distracted by a pretty face so much. Focus on your goals.

  8. 52(M) here.

    – Get the heck out of your hometown.

    – It doesn’t matter what you do for a living. If you’re flipping burgers, be the best Goddamn burger flipper in the world.

    – Your younger years are for working your ass off. It’ll pay off and you can relax later.

    – Young people have no business having pets. They tie you down, make it harder for you to have a vacation or harder to move.

    – You can’t control the actions of others. Don’t try to.

    – Cut your losses in romantic relationships.

    – And finally, a gentleman never goes ass to mouth. 🙂

  9. Noone is going to take care of you, save you, bail you out, give you anything for free, or gives a fuck about your problems. Life takes hard work and sacrifice to be successful. So STFU, get off your ass, and be productive.

  10. For the love of fuck, do *not* listen to “pick-up artists”. Don’t watch their videos, don’t pay for their books, don’t attend their webinars, just … don’t. These guys will suck you down into a vortex of both misogyny *and* self-hate.

  11. Don’t make your job/carrier you reason for living. Immaturity can be therapeutic. Learn how to fight. And under no circumstances apologize for merely being manly. Never start conflict, also never run from it either. Control your emotions because anger often presents first. Girlfriends are fun but can also distract you from your own personal growth. Use caution while dating.

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