Is it even worth it to stay in a relationship where your partner doesn’t trust you.
They say it’s to do with their own past trauma but do nothing to work on their trust issues.

  1. It’s up to you.

    If it is up to their past trauma then let them work it on their own pace, if you feel it is not worth the wait then you have your answer.

    Trust is a must for any normal relationship, without it there is none.

  2. There are a lot of factors to consider. How long have you been together? Do you live together/are married? Did you have any involvement in their past trauma?

    If you love them and want to continue to be with them you might want to look into couples counseling. Even though it’s their trauma, it’s impacting your relationship. It’s possible that you are unknowingly doing or saying things that are triggering to them and talking about it in a safe space might help them develop healthy coping skills and help you find ways to recognize triggering actions. And please do not take this as me placing blame. Trauma is a very complex thing and even the most innocent of comments or actions can be triggering for somebody.

    Ultimately it’s up to you to decide if your relationship is worth fighting for.

    *edited to update pronouns as I realized I assumed OPs gender.

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