How did going on medication (anti depressants, anxiety, etc) impact your relationship?

  1. My partner stopped worrying/hassling me about my anxiety issues. The medication was like a validation that this was excessive but happening anyway–so it helped me chill tf out and helped them realize that they couldn’t reason with my fears.

  2. It didn’t fix me and my partner essentially was disappointed that he didn’t see any change in the behaviors he didn’t like. I don’t blame him though because I also do not see any difference either. I’ve been on ssris, snris, ndris, antipsychotics, and stimulates and just see no improvement

  3. Didn’t change anything really. I refuse to take any medications that would lower my libido.

  4. It didn’t in any meaningful way. This current one means I’m whinging a lot more about side effects, but it’s not really **impacting** us.

  5. It helped me cope with the shit show I was in. Getting divorced was what ultimately helped

  6. It hasn’t. My medication takes the most intense of my emotional range out of my equation but I still feel things just fine.

  7. My ex and his uneducated family see it all as a weakness…. while they miss their own dysfunctional famile issues. He tried to make it a factor in our divorce and failed. I still have a bigger income and he still has peyronies…..

  8. Positively, I guess? I’m on meds for ADHD, and my SO’s been happy that it seems like my meds are helping.

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