since the weather is starting to warm up in a lot of places now, i thought it would be fun to ask.

i’m in oregon and it’s about 50 degrees for me

  1. I guess it depends on what I’m doing. If I’m doing something active, then probably like 55 or so. If I’m just out on a light stroll, more like 65-70.

  2. I usually start wearing short sleeves with no jacket in the upper 60s. If it’s above mid 50s I usually wear short sleeves with a light fleece jacket.

  3. once it’s in the 60s I’ll ditch the long sleeves. Unless I am running, then somewhere in the 40s.

  4. probably somewhere around there. i also grew up in michigan and am an idiot that wears open toed shoes in wintertime here in nyc. so ymmv. i’d say precipitation and wind are more the issue. heavy chilly wind will make shorts and a tee much less comfortable over not that long.

  5. It’s not only a temp thing.

    It’s sun and humidity thing, too.

    I could be hiking on a 32 degree day when it’s dry and sunny in short-sleeves or bundled up in a sweater hiking when it’s 50 and raw out.

  6. Somewhere around the 70s. Also depends on the wind or how cloudy it is. If it’s low 70s and raining that might be different. It was about 65 a couple days ago and I wore pants. We also had about 20mph winds with gusts that were higher.

    I will add that temperature feels very different in different areas.

  7. We talking one layer of short sleeves or two?

    One layer? Mid-60s.

    Two layers? Low-50s.

  8. I work outside so I’m not a great measurement but I switch to short sleeves around 35

  9. Really depends on whether the sun is out or not, but probably low 60s. It could easily be lower, but I like the extra pockets that a lightweight jacket provides, so I only stop wearing them when it becomes uncomfortable.

  10. Around 70 if I’m just like…standing around or walking instead of being active. 60’s might be fine or I might be wishing for a hoodie if I’m standing in the shade, it’s night or a breeze hits or whatever.

  11. Depends. If I’m just hanging out outside, then 55-65 depending on the humidity (more humid = more colder)

    If I’m out for a brisk walk – 45


    If I’m on a uphill hike – 20 with no wind and I still get sweaty.

  12. I actually like wearing a jacket, so I’ll only ditch that when it gets into the 70s, depending on wind (and it gets really windy here).

  13. Above freezing. Although if I’m working or just doing something quick the threshold is much lower.

  14. In the early spring that temperature is a *lot* lower than it is any other time of year.

  15. I wear long sleeves, albeit loose fitting, almost always. Sun is too intense in Eastern Washington.

  16. If I’m just sitting there, like at a ballgame, and there’s no wind, 60. If I’m doing yard work or any other light activity, 55.

  17. After our winters in Vermont, I can comfortably wear a Tshirt in the low 50s, even into the 40s if I’m active.

  18. Around 75, but I’d wear short sleeves with a jacket if it’s 70-ish. There’s often a cool breeze or shade in my area (Seattle), and I would be cold in short sleeves below 75 if I’m not in direct sunlight. I would take the jacket off in direct sunlight at 70, maybe a little below.

  19. I’ve lived in AZ for the past 20+ years so I live primarily in short-sleeves. I switch to long-sleeves when it drops below 70 (I know, I know LOL).

  20. Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m being relatively active, probably anything above 60.

  21. As long as it’s not windy, down to like the 20s. If I’m shoveling snow or snowshoeing it’s almost always short sleeves

  22. Oh my gosh not until it’s like 70 at least, or feels like 70. And I’d still have a sweater nearby for morning and night.

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