
  1. I live about 10 minutes south of downtown Birmingham and pay $1,085 a month for a one bedroom

  2. In north Florida they go for around $800. I have a 3 bedroom for $1400. But you would have to tripple those prices in south Florida.

  3. Between Aug 2017 and January 2023, I paid $1600 for a 1BR in Central Harlem (Manhattan). My salary went from $67k to $130k over that time; so I had an extremely good deal by the end of it. I currently a split $2400 mortgage and maintenance with my fiancée in Jackson Heights (Queens).

  4. Right now I’m paying $1175, but next month it’s going up to $1250. Still an absolute BARGAIN for Portland though. I moved into this place at just the right time a few years before the pandemic so I avoided the crazy rent increases.

  5. $1800 Pasadena, CA (outside of LA, nice neighborhood). It’s not considered an expensive apt by any means.

  6. $600/month in Maine (economically sized)

    Includes water and plowing

    Excludes internet, electric and heat

  7. We’re a bit past $1300 right now in Carmel, Indiana. 1br/900 feet with a balcony facing the nearby residential neighborhood. Even though its a suburb, we’re in the downtown area and we definitely get charged the downtown premium.

    But I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else here. The few neighborhoods Indy has that meets what downtown Carmel has are way more expensive.

  8. I had a (shitty) studio in college and only paid 250 a month for (over a decade ago). I looked it up on Zillow and it’s 450 a month now. 225 Sq ft

  9. I paid $2500 for a shitty studio in a HCOL city and now pay $1800 for a luxury studio that is better in every single way (by a *lot*) in a large but comparatively LCOL city.

  10. I had a studio in ny for about $1300 a month. Currently living in a 2 bed in Little Rock, Arkansas for $650 a month

  11. $2700 for a one-bedroom in Oakland, CA. It is a quite large 1-bed at about 1,000 sq ft, in a good location with a sweet view and garage spot though.

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