What’s the most toxic social media platform in your opinion? And why?

  1. Instagram. What a flawed reality people live in. They curate their lives so far they forget they have an actual real life to live. They make choices purely for clicks. Yuck.

  2. LinkedIn. The virtue signaling, lack of humility, and addiction to attention are especially brazen in the context of careers.

  3. To me, a tie between Twitter and TikTok. The short form format discourages fully expressing yourself and it doesn’t foster intra-group conversation. There’s a lot of room for misunderstanding but people take to them to have these deep discussions. They both seem more meant for public consumption rather than interpersonal socializing with people you know (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) or community discussion (Reddit, Discord, Tumblr) which I don’t think is a good thing (this has been negatively impacting Instagram too, but it’s still possible to use Instagram to communicate with your friends). The misinformation seems wilder than other social media, and things spread so much faster because….they’re not for community socializing, they’re for getting as much public visibility as possible. Any idiot can say anything and tomorrow it will be an accepted fact amping hundreds of thousands. When my aunt says something stupid on Facebook, the only people who see it are her 200 followers. They can make it go viral and start rumors, but it would take much longer and it would be dragging dissenting comments the whole way.

  4. I’m surprised that Tiktok wasn’t mentioned yet. The whole beauty standard thing and filters is so toxic for young people. I heard somewhere that Tiktok has an algorithm that promotes more “attractive” people to get more views

  5. I think twitter. The character limit forces people to condense their opinions down to the bare bones, so there’s no nuance. I’m sure there’s nice corners of twitter, but overall, it just comes across as a bunch of people telling at eachother over bulmshit that could have been cleared up if they could have just written a couple if paragraphs.

    Plus in my books it’s supporting Elon Musk if you’re still using it.

  6. Instagram. So many fake people on there. So much hate too. I have insta and I’ve received some hate myself. I’m a private account and post my photos on there for my friends and 1. I won’t let the haters scare me off the platform

  7. tik tok easily. you see so many extremely beautiful people on that app everyday, and it’s made people think it reflects reality. i see really pretty girls being called mid by guys, and i wonder if they’ve ever stepped outside or looked in the mirror

  8. Twitter. It’s like the wild West of cruel people wanting to hurt others with words over there.

  9. Literally all of them.

    We are literally conditioned to live on our phones, now. Go out in public and a majority of what you see will be people on their phones instead of actually doing something productive with their life in any way. Its all just scrolling.

  10. TikTok. It feels like a “quick to fame” or “make fast money” thing on nearly every single creator’s page. Also, it’s so hard to know what products people genuinely like and use, and what’s just a product they’re being paid to use. It’s exhausting.

  11. 4chan and 8kun/8chan. These platforms host the abyssal hellscape parts of the human condition. It’s where pedos, racists, murderers, other criminals, and cultists like QAnon meet up and socialize.

  12. Instagram. It creates such an unhealthy mindset filled with comparison. I think it can be easy to forget that everything is heavily edited these days. I’ve found more and more that the people I’m most attracted to/intrigued by are usually those that don’t really use it/care about it – I think it’s the privacy/mystery aspect.

  13. Twitter by very very far! Come on guys, instagram is only some stupid videos and people being shallow, you can also use to your advantage and get inspired, twitter on the other take away your will to live, it shows that even people that claim to be good and are perceived as so are toxic fuckers, and its just a big shitshow.

  14. Twitter. Something that is blatantly hate speech is defended and debated vigorously as not being hate speech. It’s like an alternative universe.

  15. Instagram. I’m so tired of people on there creating a “beauty standard” that isn’t possible without photoshop and surgery and lying about it.

  16. Twitter. There’s so many opinions and you’ll randomly get attacked for saying the wrong thing. Everything there is so negative it really brings you down.

    You could argue the same thing happens on Reddit, but I found the negativity on twitter is much higher.

  17. Reddit. One time I posted about sexual assault and a bunch of guys messaged me trying to fuck.. gross

  18. Definitely Insta. Was on there from 2012-2018 before deleting for good due to insecurity and self esteem issues…. and that was before all the tuning apps came in 😳 I feel so sad for all the young people who’ve spent their whole preteen and teen years on there

  19. Instagram isn’t even bad compared to Tiktok. Instagram looks fake, and we know it’s fake. It’s harder to “facetune” videos on tiktok, but somehow everyone there is significantly more attractive than on Instagram. Tiktok has blown the beauty standard through the roof for younger teens, and I think it’s the main reason why we see 13-15 year olds looking 17 or 18. Post-tiktok school culture has so much more emphasis on looks and beauty. The amount of time and effort younger teens spend on their appearance is so incredibly unhealthy, and even for my (college) generation, I think there’s a very clear divide between how we perceive ourselves appearance-wise, and also how much time, effort, and money we spend on our appearance before and after Tiktok became our main form of social media. Every one is so desperate to keep up with trends now, it’s both terrifying and ridiculous. And we haven’t even started on the shortened attention span.

  20. I think TikTok because the content way more reaction based. People bothering or pranking other people for views and follows. Influencers in the wild look ridiculous. The beauty standards you see on the platform are usually unnaturally attained.

  21. Reddit. I’ve gotten good at spotting posts on other platforms that I know will make me feel bad or sensitive. I can scroll right past videos and pictures no problem. But the communities here on Reddit blindside me sometimes. I’ll read what I think is a wholesome post and find myself scrolling into toxic comments full of attitudes and name calling and just terrible opinions.

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