I’m in college. So far this year I’ve been able to get 3 girls’ numbers…and all three times I’ve been ghosted. No replies no nothing. This kills me man and makes me wanna just give up. What am I doing wrong?

  1. That’s pretty common most guys can’t get anything from a woman. I hate to say but all you can do is keep trying and hope for the best. I’m 26 and still have no luck myself.

  2. Forget the apps.

    Go meet people.

    Find what you like. And go on Meetup and join a group with people that like what you like.

    And the biggest thing is you’re young. Relax. This is supposed to be fun.

  3. I doubt this will make you any happier but I’m 66 years old and get ghosted too.. everybody’s ghosting everyone. Although ghosting is just plain rude so if they have done that to you good riddance to them you deserve better than that.

  4. It’s really hard to keep women interest via text for a sustained period of time. You really only have success if you take them out pretty quickly (IMO).

    Also, get used to being ghosted. Would you rather them tell you why they don’t want to go out with you? You don’t want that.

    Also, getting a good haircut and hitting the gym never hurt anyone’s chances.

  5. Work on yourself, join groups of interesting people. Sierra hiking club, meetups about whatever you’re interested in. Be there for the activity, not to meet people. Let that happen naturally.

    Don’t ask for numbers, give your number.

  6. It’s rude but it’s normal. Also some women just give out their number or a fake one bc they are scared of what could happen if they say no, but even if that’s not the case people feel like ghosting is just easier than flat out rejection.

    It sucks but you have to learn to live with it

  7. Where did you get their numbers? If you struck up conversations with them, and asked them face to face I am sincerely impressed man! What kind of girls are you asking out? Popular stereotypical pretty girls, or cute quieter girls? In my experience the less popular is much more likely to communicate. Maybe you’re shooting your shot based on looks, and really gotta figure out who you are and what you want. Then you can decide what girls might vibe with you right away. If you really straight up asked them face to face tho you have muuuuuch more confidence than most guys these days that’s very difficult to do

  8. This might sound odd, but as a woman I prefer when the men offer me their number instead of asking for mine. It feels more like an offer rather than a demand. Chat up a girl, be charismatic and get a rapport going, and tie up the conversation with something like “hey, it was really awesome speaking with you. I’d like to talk again. Would you like my number?” It puts the ball in her court to reach out to you, and makes you a respectful guy at the same time 😊

  9. It’s not just you, it’s the way of the world nowadays. I am older and have messaged over 50 women on Fet life all with the same interests as my profile. Just asking to talk to see were it goes, not 1 response. Over 50 women in the last 3 years. I don’t get it either. And most of the girls on here just want you to subscribe to their Only fans. I am sorry but I have better things to do than pay money to watch a girl moan and shove a vibrator up her snatch.

  10. I wouldn’t think anything by it. If your hitting on girls in university that means your going up against every other guy in that university. My advice… Practice. Learn how to make fun conversations work on your chrisma but most of all have fun and don’t take it seriously. Your in university trust me you got time to look for something official later.

  11. If I had to guess, you’re not making a good impression. And college girls are ruthless, they’re basically constantly walking through a hot dog factory where everythings free. Best advice is be nonchalant, funny, and carry yourself with humble confidence… I stress the funny part.

  12. Good news: It’s not you, this is very common

    Better news: You’re past the hard part, getting the first few is the hardest but it gets less stressful flirting and asking for numbers as you get practice.

    Bad news: It’s a numbers game, you may need way more than three for one to lead to a date.

    Three numbers just isn’t much, I know guys who can get more than numbers in a good night out. Some are fake, some may be in relationships / not interested and thought it felt more polite to give a number over saying no, if you got them at a party, they may have gave it while drunk and have no idea who you are when you text them, or any number of reasons.

  13. What you’ve done wrong is only get 3 girls numbers. When I was in college, I’d get 3 numbers on a Thursday night out. And I got very little action freshman year. But by senior year I had unapologetically been myself for so long, that women were throwing it at me. I had so many women wanting me that it seemed like I was being punk’d somehow haha (old mtv show where ppl got pranked). So just go out more, talk to more ppl (girls and guys) and ask for more numbers. It was wayyy easier getting a chicks number in college than it is in the real world

    And when you text, keep it brief

  14. Learn how to talk women, figure out what gets them going.

    Maybe they like you but you don’t know how to navigate the course

  15. You should try to let them come to you. Trying the same thing over and over expecting different results… insanity. Don’t be discouraged just adjust your methods.

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