To keep things summarized I should start back from two days ago because this is when it all began.

I was on the phone with my friend (who we’ll call D) and my sister was driving us back home from the gym. The conversation that D and I were having had nothing to do with my sister but she took it upon herself to get in the middle of it by going into orbit. She continued to gripe me out for thirty minutes straight after the phone call and I remained calm. I didn’t say a word back because I didn’t want to escalate the situation.

That was two days ago.

Yesterday didn’t go as smoothly.

I guess in some ways this is my fault because I should’ve talked to my sister about what happened in order for us both to move on from it instead of being quiet and calm.

Yesterday the neighbors in our apartment complex kept slamming their door on purpose (which keeps being a reoccurring thing that I have to deal with since I’m home most days) and I tell my sister that someone should do something about it because their might be babies or people trying to sleep.

She goes into orbit again and takes it out on me (mind you she’s bipolar and unmedicated for it, so I’m used to the manic episodes).

I tried my best to keep deescalating the situation by avoiding her but she kept antagonizing me even after I tell her to leave me alone. I did this about two or three times.

She wouldn’t stop so now we’re verbally arguing/fighting and she said pack up your things and leave. I respected that and did so. I was trying my best to look at the bigger picture here and eventually I think that’s what saved me.

Just as I was about to leave the door, emergencies were called because they’ve been told a man is yelling with a woman and doors were being slammed. The firefighters talked to me and said I needed to get evaluated which I said okay. I was then rushed to the hospital in the ambulance and they asked me what happened and I told them the honest truth. Every. Single. Detail.

The paramedics said they won’t keep me long because of how respectful and cooperative I was towards the situation.

Long story short, I wasted a day in the ER and a psychiatrist said I was good to go. I took a cab back here at the apartment and I’m currently looking for my own place.

tl;dr I went to the ER for something I didn’t start and I’m currently looking for my own place as we speak.

1 comment
  1. Actually, you handled that very well. Try not to engage with your sister until you find your own place to live. Best wishes.

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