I barely ever meet anyone. It is like everyone that surrounds me is either way older (double my age) or way younger (minors) or already coupled or in a orthodox religion that excludes dating me (Jewish Orthodox) (sucks because Jewish girls are super pretty). I cannot find anyone with common interests in this town. No friends to introduce me with anyone. And online dating is just a waste of time since I get no matches. I feel that I am doomed.

  1. Yuup, i know that feeling.
    And yuup, ill probably end up alone.
    But for now i still like to think otherwise.🤣

  2. I feel this way all the time. Was married for 17 years, and dating today is not what it used to be. I’ve started trying to be braver, and ask a few women about their status, if I don’t see a ring.

  3. Yep, got this feeling now. Feels like I’ll just never find someone who’s life and views align enough with mine to create a lasting relationship. I’m starting to just give in to the idea of being forever alone

  4. I’m 41 and frankly the idea of getting to know someone who may or may not be a viable long term partner is exhausting. I love my own company, have great friends when I feel like being social and don’t really ever want to live with someone i may end up having to play mommy to. Also the number of horror stories I read about people’s relationships is enough to make me never want to be that serious. Do I miss sex and intimacy? Sure. But having to explain for time #108648 that, no, I’m not just going to your house for the first ‘date’ because stranger danger has made me really content to be alone. It doesn’t make me a less worthy human because I don’t have a partner.

  5. Absolutely, but it is a product of my own doing. Not that I *want* to end up alone, but that my choices/values leave no other option.

  6. I do, 24M, never had a girlfriend. Trying to make peace that I’ll end up alone. Having a girlfriend would be nice

  7. Find a hobby. It will introduce you to people you’d have never met. Learn to be happy with yourself and someone will arrive.

    There’s a huge difference between being alone and being lonely. I suggest joining a martial arts gym. It will boost your confidence and your abilities.

  8. I most likely will, but if life wants to surprise me then I’m down. Goodluck out there and live your best life

  9. Yeah. I’m turning 22 in a few months and my dating life so far has been a disaster.

    First ‘real’ girlfriend admitted to me two years ago she never really loved me, just that I was a solid partner during a difficult part of her life. Got ghosted, girls not interested, constant rejections. Don’t have a ton of friends either. Dating apps don’t net me any likes or matches.

    I just accepted solitude at this point.

  10. Probably? I don’t spend any energy or time looking for people, I just do what I want to do and enjoy doing it. Gets a bit lonely sometimes but I force-feed myself difficult tasks to keep my mind very occupied.

  11. I don’t know what age you are, but I’m 24. Most people I know have had two long lasting relationships by my age. I have none. Never had one. My uncle who was a drughead managed at least three in the time I knew him, so yeah, pretty sure I’m going to be alone. I have a bigger chance at being signed to referee with a big company like WWE or AEW than I do dating at this point

  12. Almost at peace with possibly being forever alone, but luckily I’m having too much fun with my hobbies and got a grad job lined up, so overall I’m not too bothered by it

  13. Yep. Pair that with high standards and working remotely. Recipe for being alone. I’m okay with solitude though. It’s peaceful.

  14. 25M feeling pretty much the same, have found myself being bored with almost every woman I try and talk to over OLD and routinely think about someone I was friends with but had a massive falling out with months ago.

    I tend to just focus on my friends and family now, and try to be a good uncle to my three nephews.

  15. It is crazy that the more connected humans are through technology, the harder it becomes for them to bond with others. It feels like this was predetermined by someone.

  16. Maybe I’m just stupidly optimistic but I believe there’s someone out there. I’m more worried will it last for a long time into old age.

  17. Ehh I feel this sometimes! 24 year old guy but if I do I’m totally fine with it! Gotta enjoy yourself, right! Yeah

  18. Yeah same boat I meet people but it falls a part so I have to look at my character and my god have I not realised how desperate and broken I was before hand

  19. After losing the love of my life, yes. It’s been years and I still love them and I’m looking very forward to being able to die peacefully from home. The mental pain and agony catches up to some of us and sometimes loss of therapy and medications don’t help, but actually make it worse like in my case

  20. 31m here and pretty much accepted it (low key, forgetting about it might make the girl show up).

    – to find her attractive and she find me attractive

    – a matching sense of humor

    – common interests

    – aligned life view

    – aligned sex view

    – not wanting kids

    yeah, it would be a miracle to meet her

  21. Yes, I’m 24 now and I don’t have much experience dating at all, and honestly have recently been realizing how lonely I am as well.

  22. 28m here – I’ve had a few gfs and sexual partners in my time but since breaking up with my ex 5 years ago, I’ve had maybe 2 dates that never went further and upon reflection, were probably just pity dates.

    I often feel like I’ll never find a long term parter again but what I’m trying to focus on at my age now is being okay with that? It’d tough and going to take time but just trying enjoying my own company and not compromise on the things that make me happy. I’m going solo traveling around Australia in a couple months and I’m so excited to have the adventure of a lifetime and I owe that to being alone. Being able to make my own choices and build my perspective to become a better version of myself.

    Try not to focus on a relationship being a defining characteristic of your personality. A relationship should just be another part of your already exciting life if it happens / you choose it. Otherwise, do you and focus on building your own life. The law of attraction states that if you care for it enough, the things you want will come to you.

  23. Yeah I feel pretty much the same
    I got into two relationships, and was dumped in both relationships cause they no longer love me.
    So yeah, I guess some people are meant to end up alone lol

    For me, it’s the fact the I got dumped twice. And I know I have a great personality and attractive to some means. But I’m just not boyfriend/husband material. Plus I study medicine so my career is gonna take a bulk of my life years lol

    But tbh, I think you still have a chance, just dont get hard on urself and dont try too hard. Just let it happen as it is supposed to happen. Approach girls in a place of ur interest. So the chances of you both having a mutual interest is higher. And in case nothing worked.. just approach girls in a different state or city..

  24. The other day I was wondering if I would just cashout all my money, sell all my stuff and quit my job and travel to an island without telling anyone and live there, will people notice that I am gone.

    I am tired of being the initiator, the one who asks people to go out or invite people or the one that sends a message to a ‘friend’ who has not sent anything for months and some people not even replying.

    I have accepted the fact that I will be alone but I am ok with it. I battle with my lonely feelings constantly but I feel that I come out on top every time.
    That is why it is important to lead a healthy life, mentally and physically.

  25. Yeah, I think it’s just the current market that is making me feel like that. My friends are telling me to lower my standards, but that’s pretty much impossible because their based on my values. (I don’t date people with kids and apparently everyone is having kids and looking for relationships after)

  26. I used to think that for years until I found someone that was perfect. Keep on searching, if you give up it won’t happen

  27. Yep. I’m 30, only been in two relationships. My last ex died, left me with tons of trauma and I lost a lot of weight so I’ve got loose skin. I see online dating profiles and almost all of them are graduates with salaries, intimidating af. I don’t feel worthy of anyone… Not much to offer.

    I initiated the relationships I was in and feel like I’ve just lost the energy to try but seems like guys these days are also feeling this way and aren’t initiating anymore either… No idea what to say, the only guy I messaged just kinda disappeared. There are just too many options. OLD is just roulette with hearts. I can’t do it, I’m more one on one.

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