What are you secretive about with your family?

  1. I was in the Army and deployed to Iraq a few times. I never talk about it. But now, it’s been so long, I barely remember it. And I’ve had so much more interesting things happen in my life before and since that I don’t really have a reason to anymore.

  2. Intentionally nothing. But many times I’ve heard “wait what? When the fuck” when they found something out…. Like started 5 years ago mom, fuck if I know why I never told you, it just didn’t come up lol

  3. Everything. It’s not that I want to but my family only consists of my older children. There are issues I deal with but I will never tell them because I know that they would just worry, and since there is nothing they could do to help, that would just stress them out. They have enough challenges trying to make lives for themselves in this shithole economy without worrying about me. Instead, I just try to be as supportive as I can for them and be as low maintenance as possible. After all, I am doing pretty good personally so…

  4. I don’t have a wife or kids so I’m gonna answer what I keep from my parents.

    Almost everything related to dating, life goals, and how I spend my money. All I get is lectures, judgement or ridicule. I’ve realized my mom never really cared what was going on with me beyond making sure I was fed, clothed, and doing well in school so I plan to keep it that way as an adult even though she probably wants to know now.

    I tried telling her about my long term goals and all she did was crap all over it and tell me to stop dreaming and be happy with mediocrity. I don’t want her being a big part of my life. I love and respect them, and want to take on the responsibility of providing for them in their old age, but we’re not friends. So I don’t want her being involved with who I want to date and be with, my kids (if I end up with any), or the bigger things in my life.

  5. My mental health. When I’m with people I can laugh and joke like nothing is wrong, but most of the time I’m depressed and in a dark place. Only my mom knew and she passed away December 8 2021

  6. Just about anything, but to be specific, my love life.

    One brother likes to talk shit about people he hasn’t already chosen to like. My brothers tell mom everything and mom is a gossip so I keep it locked up like a clam

  7. I have done many psychedelic drugs, and I’m a better person for it. My parents will never find out though.

  8. My past (prior to my kids’ births).

    I’ve done a lot of really bad things that my family knows nothing about, and I wouldn’t want them to know what a PoS I was before they showed up.

  9. I would say about everything… Good or bad i just keep it to myself cause nobody understands me

  10. Dating. I rarely date, but even when I have a gf, my family never knows about it. They have only met 1 in my life. It helps that I only go on a date once every 2 years and the longest relationship that I have had is 6 months.

  11. Although it may look like it’s put together, I don’t know my whole family whatsoever. It’s split up over stupid bullshit.

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