real friends, how many of us

but seriously, i’m at university but still never made many friends that i can see myself staying in touch with when i’m an adult and i have outgrown my old friends – we just don’t get on anymore

i feel confident but nobody ever seems to want anything to do with me even though i think i’m a nice person – maybe i’m overly nice?

how do i make the most of the time i have left at university to make some REAL friends?

  1. Damn bro you listen to Kanye West. You are destined to be successful, so don’t run after people to have them as a friend. Be yourself, and work hard. You have got us Redditors as friends. Real friends are too hard to find. Just make casual friends to talk to whenever you’re bored

  2. Depends a great deal on what you’re defining as “real” friends that your current ones are not qualifying as. First step to making the kind of relationships you want to have and keep in your life is knowing what exactly it is you’re looking for in said relationships ime.

  3. Well, from what I’m reading you seem very nice, perhaps joining the subreddits discord could suffice

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