Hey, guys. I’m sorry for sounding petty but here it is. I chatted my boyfriend at lunch. He didn’t reply. I opened my online game hoping that he might be online and about to play. Then, I saw an indicator that he was already playing. He chatted later sating he was playing with friends. I was okay with that. It’s just that I felt sad that he didn’t remember to chat me, say hello, just a small convo. I’m usually the one who initiates convo at lunch. Is it too much, too clingy to ask that he chats me at lunch? I’m not asking for the whole hour. Just a simple hi, hello or what was your lunch would be more than enough, just to see him chat me already gives me comfort. Thank you all for your opinion. Sorry if this is low quality post. First time expetiencing this.

TLDR: Feeling sad about my (21M) boyfriend (22M) not chatting at lunch

1 comment
  1. You’re not being clingy at all. Communication is important in any relationship, even the small ones like a simple chat during lunch.

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