When i imagine myself in a relationship i always imagine that trust and agreeing is what holds it together, im 12 so i havent been in a proper relationship and ik that arguing can occur, but i would try to stay away from them and spend alot of time with my gf/wife, yk watch movies and shit, that way, you develop trust better in each other and love, if you guys agree on alot of things then you will get along easily, like i had a friend (girl & online) and things were rlly good until we started disagreeing alot, i dont rlly like the lgbt shit, she didnt rlly like the army and all and we were apart for like a year, but now recently, when i found her again on snapchat in a gc, where it was just us, i started trying to talk to her as if nothing happened, then i added her, and she didnt wanna add me back so asked me what i want in the gc instead of private, and then i told her ab how we have both changed and shit and we should just try to avoid talking about things we disagree on, so ye, if you disagree on smth, just try to avoid it as much as possible and trust each other, show each other you care. Jeez now my hands are tired, well thats my opinion, is it good for a 12/13 yr old?

  1. Alright here’s your lesson of the day… avoiding a problem doesn’t make it go away, that’s a terrible way to live. You either talk it out and work it out… or you move on and let them go.

  2. No two relationships are held together by the same glue. Find what works for both of you and develop that base.

  3. Fundamentally, it’s both people being willing to do the work it takes to be that close with another human being.

    We’re messy and complicated and no matter how compatible you are, if both aren’t game for putting in the effort, it won’t last.

  4. There will always be disagreements in relationships. The key is being able to discuss them rationally without letting emotion take the wheel. Sometimes the disagreements will be dealbreakers, and you’ll have to walk away. It’s just the way life works, and you’ll have to learn that sooner or later.

  5. Being able to disagree and still trust one another fully because you:
    A. know your partner has good judgement
    B know your partner will take your opinions into account on all decisions that affect you.

    Disagreement is actually important. not in the sense of fighting being good, but as a process. It tells you whether there is this deep trust. because when there is, not agreeing doesn’t matter.

    it’s allright to struggle with figuring this out at 12. you have years to do so, and it will take those years and a lot of experiences like this one. just remember that what matters most if all at a young age is what you learn from experiences like these, so that you narrow things down over time.

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