I am in total shock. My brother was staying with them after getting sober from a meth addiction. While he stayed there, he was really good to them, or so we thought. He patched their ceiling, cleaned for them and did all the manual labor for them. They were really good to him also, cooking for him, loving him, buying him clothes etc. And then suddenly I accompany my grandpa to the bank and saw what looked like NUMEROUS metapay transactions which I know are from Facebook. We known it is him as we saw a few transactions to his baby mama. My grandparents are absolutely devastated and they filed a police report and tomorrow will fill a no contact order. I just don’t get it. I’m so hurt right now. Im torn because the thought of my brother going to prison hurts me but he also hurt my grandparents…

  1. What an awful thing for your grandparents to go through. I am sure all of you feel betrayed. Where is he staying now? Has he been arrested yet? Did he relapse?

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