How much with your face showing in the video & how much for without?

  1. **With face showing**: Lets say 2 million euro. My favourite pornstar gets **lots** of views so I would have to assume that almost everyone I know would see it or hear about it. I have a profession where such an incident could be fairly damaging to my career for various reasons, so I would need payment that reflect me possibly losing my job over it.

    **Without face showing**: Fuck it, I’d do it for free.

  2. My mom needs to be dead. Not wanting her dead but she doesn’t need to know who my favorite porn star is

  3. Honestly if they asked, I’d go for it. It doesn’t even need to be one specific favorite person. I’d accept the request from at least a few different people lol.

    With face showing though I’d need to be paid pretty well.

  4. Well I’m married so there’s nothing that would. If I was single, that’d be a different story. Although if they insist on using my face and name I do need some money.

  5. Cover the costs of a personal trainer and give me the time to get myself camera ready and I’m there.

  6. “Would you like to do a video with *insert favorite pornstar here*?”


  7. My wife would have to be on board. And she’d rather kill me and the star. So maybe a snuff porn?

  8. This sounds like a pornographic “What would you do for a Klondike Bar” 🤣

    I’m in, I will do it for a single Klondike bar. 👍

  9. Like, a professional on set type affair? Probably whatever the going rate is….though I’d rather stay anonymous

    Something amateur behind a paywall, buy me dinner and pay my travel expenses.

    Just for fun? Probably have to convince her.

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