Ive never encountered this before, but I have also never slept with every man on earth so I am wondering how common this is. My boyfriend will always lose his erection within seconds-minutes of it not being touched. Sometimes he’ll lose his erection when reaching for the condom if im not touching it, or in the couple seconds it takes to change positions, etc. If we have to stop to like, grab something he’ll have to touch himself/I’ll have to touch him to stay hard. Its fairly common for us to have to stop what we were doing so I can get him hard again because I stopped touching his penis for a few seconds and he started going soft.

I’ve never experienced this with anyone else I’ve slept with, I typically have just experienced one extended boner. It doesnt hinder our sex life because he ultimately still can get hard and have the sex he wants to have, but it does worry me sometimes seeing how quickly he gets soft when theres no touch. But like I said I have a small sample size compared to every man on earth.

Is this within the realm of healthy penis behavior?

  1. It wouldn’t hurt for him to pursue medical advice if he thinks its a problem. Maybe you could ask him if that’s how things are when he’s alone? Maybe it’s anxiety and something that will ease the longer you’re together. Whatever the case, make sure you approach it with sensitivity and understanding. It’s a very sensitive subject for anyone!

  2. You don’t say his age. It’s not uncommon at all. Granted, there’s a difference between him being 18 and 58. Either way, work with it if you are into him.

  3. As you said I think there is a range of normal from reading past posts here I think some guys require more physical stimulation than others.

    Me personally, the only time I require physical touch to stay up is when I’m stressed or distracted for other reasons.

  4. How many times have you been together? Sometimes it takes a few weeks to get comfortable.

    Is he on medication that might be affecting his arousal? Like antidepressants?

    If it’s a blood flow issue, training his Ischiocavernosus might help. It’s the pelvic floor muscle that helps keep blood in the dick. The other one (bulbospongiosus) helps stop urine flow, and that’s the one most easily trained by kegels.

  5. He may have a leaky valve….can’t remember the exact medical term…
    Everyone is different but 20s is young for this to happen …
    Stress and anxiety definitely a factor…
    Just ignore it and don’t make a fuss.
    Keep touching him and make it fun.
    If it gets serious it may get worse

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