What do you think is the biggest issue women in America are facing today?

  1. The societal expectation for us to be both full-time workers and full-time homemakers at the same time is a problem (edit: in hetero relationships)

  2. That’s a really tough question. I think there are so many different issues women in America are facing. I’d have to say gender discrimination and inequality are probably the most pervasive. Women’s wages are still lower than men’s, and women are often passed over for promotions and leadership roles. And sexual harassment and assault are still far too common, and there’s still an enormous amount of stigma and victim-blaming when women report it. It’s sad and wrong, and it needs to change.

  3. Women’s medical issues are often minimized, ignored, under researched. Maternal mortality is far too high. Many drugs are not properly tested on women before going to market. Women’s heart attack symptoms differ from men’s and there is very little education regarding that.

    That’s before we get into the issues of medically necessary abortions being delayed or denied, women in the middle of a miscarriage being denied treatment, and other healthcare concerns now that roe is dead.

    Women’s healthcare sucks.

  4. The biggest issues are likely the same regardless of gender. I’ll go with rapidly increasing housing costs.

  5. Other women AKA: peer pressure

    Generally speaking, the worst social pressures aren’t pushed by the opposite gender, but rather one’s one gender (or, in particular, the people you compete against as opposed to compete for).

    Society today tells men to compete to be a great specialist. To take a guy down, you have to beat him at what he’s best at.

    Women, on the other hand, are told to be the best generalist. To take a woman down, you have to beat her at what she’s worst at.

    The rhetoric that a woman has to be good at everything makes this so much worse, and this “best generalist” mindset is most reinforced by other women. Men generally are so stuck in the specialist mindset they don’t even notice half the roles women force upon themselves.

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