Hello, my question is quite self explanatory, however it goes deeper than that, I will also explain why I ask this.

I am currently 27 years old eastern european, since the age of 17 to 22 I was very active physically, I used to run a lot and worked out every day while also having more than decent eating habits. The main purpose for this was my goal of becomming a football player (which I achieved, but not profesionally).

However, at around the age of 23 life happened, I had to take up abroad jobs I didn’t really like but were paying well, the result was that I had to stop playing football (which is my only passion in life) and I gained a lot of weight to the point wherr now I am 1st class obese (25 kg extra weight, about 60 lbs I think).

However the money is gone and now and I regret that I exchanged those good years for money instead of following my passion, even if it would’ve been at a lower level.

I know it’s generally considered too late to reenter sports at this age, since most players are already beyond their peak at this age, however I don’t care about that, since my fear is that if I do not do what I can in football while I can I will regret it forever, and it already hurts bad.

Now we get to my question, more precisely I would like to listen to your succsessful stories, of people who were kind of in the same situation I am in right now but still managed to get their life around against what people said.

I read somewhere that physical ability only decreeses with about 5% after the age of 30, and I still have a few years until then. My idea is that I could lose most of the extra weight in half a year, I still wouldn’t be 28 then, and that’s when I could resume my football career until the age of about 35 and that is when I could become a coach (since it would be near impossible to be considered as a reputable coach if you didn’t have at least a few years of foothall behind you).

I know all of this may seem silly, however it’s not like I am betting everything on this, because I am at college meanwhile and I can support myself financially.

There are examples of big footballers who manage to play at a high level at a relatively old age (Ibrahimovic, Ronaldo, Modric), so why wouldn’t I be capable of having a way better physical condition now or in a year or two than I had at 20 (if my work is done properly)?!

Thank you a lot for reading, it really means a lot to be “heard”, because I do not have many people to talk about this with.

So please, let me hear your story!

Thank you!

  1. Sure you can. In my pre 20’s I was always active, nature loving, amateur basketball, any outdoor activity loving guy. For college, I moved from small rural town to concrete jungle – if you can call Ljubljana that. I quite hated lack of greenery, so if I weren’t with colleagues on drinks, I was on computer and due to hating traffic my meals were usually home delivery. As I found Job there I remained for few more years gaining almost 50% of weight, BMI nearing 40. I had to take some action, buying a bike, cycling out of jungle, meting my now wife, buying house in small village and again starting to do what I like. Well my BPI is still little above 25, which according to my doctor is skewed because of my size, but I have more stamina than average city dwell teenager.

  2. Well, I guess you can but it also really depends on what we’re comparing. I’m in better shape in my 30s than during my mid 20s as I spent those years getting wasted with little exercise. I admit though that keeping in shape is harder than it used to be. Taking steps forward always takes a bit longer and setbacks happen more often and take more time to heal.


    But even though I’m in better shape now, I don’t think I could rejoin my old sports team as I missed quite a lot of developmental steps which I couldn’t catch up to even if I wanted to.

  3. I’m 167cm tall and at the end of the first COVID wave the scale said 110kg. I’m 74kg now.

    I didn’t do any sports or physical activity to lose weight – I’m doing some powerlifting now to build muscle, not to lose weight.

    I just learned how to eat in a balanced way. I don’t like to call it “diet” because, even if it’s the right word, it has a connotation of temporary intervention, while my new way of eating is permanent. I am a healthy eater now.

  4. I wasn’t physically active in my twenties.


    I am much much more physically active now. I’m now 32 and in best health I ever was.

  5. You can always become more healthy than you were previously. Obviously this tapers off once you become elderly, but you’re still very young in your 30s.

    My aunt in Boston runs a mile every single morning before work and she’s 48. I need to start following her footsteps as a 25yr old.

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