I’m a junior and still don’t have any friends in university. I’ll admit my social skills aren’t the best, but at least I appear friendly and ask people questions about themselves, however nobody ever wants to be my friend. Everybody I meet just become acquaintances or “situational friends” where we only hang out because we were grouped together in an organization/club. I’ve tried branching out to different groups but I’m usually sort of outcasted and everyone else just talks to each other while I just stand there.

1 comment
  1. Don’t worry I’m in the same situation but junior in high school. I recently lost connection to one of my bsf because she wanted to spend every week with her new friends now. I’m not talking bad I am happy for her but it does leave me left out because I had no one else but her. So the ways I’ve been trying to hangout with new people is to volunteer myself into something fun at school like rn student council, I’ve been helping out with decorations and I talked with new people and laugh with them, then I ask them if they’d love to hangout on the weekend or if their free. I usually make a plan to go someplace fun. I am kind of an introvert but I just laugh and be a funny person so I don’t seem left out, just be random 😭. Getting out of the comfort zone is my advice and it changed for me. Live your life cause I wasted too much time putting energy to the wrong people and it’s okay to be left out cause not many people will be that friend at the end of the day. Looking for a group to stay with is hard since they already have their connection so someone who is also alone is the go to person to be friends with. I hope this kinda helps!

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