So two months ago a waitress from a place I frequent almost daily had a coworker get my number for her . I said sure , we started texting.. she texted me first everyday , tried to call me a few times which I didn’t pick up . But slowly I started to like her cause I already thought she was cute and now I think is sweet. We went on dates and I even went to a family party of hers. But she is having doubts because I’m 27 and she’s 35 and she thinks that might be a problem. She also said she wants kids but she can’t seem to be able to do that. Said it’s the reason her relationship fail . I am falling for her hard and it seems like this might be hanging by a thread , I have no idea what to do

  1. “OK. Well when you know where you wish to take this, go ahead and give me a call” and go date other people.

  2. Sounds like her true concern is you leaving her when you find out she can’t get pregnant and or when you want to find someone younger. My guess is she’s looking for reassurance from you.

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