What has inflation ruined for you?

  1. Coffee. I can’t even get it in bulk for a reasonable price. I hope that “fair trade” money is actually going to the people growing and harvesting it…

  2. My future- as least it feels this way. I chose my career based on both interest and knowing it would allow me to live a lifestyle I wanted, and when I started the salary was perfect for that. Now I have to re envision a future I didn’t want for myself- I wanted three things a home, to go on vacation every once and a while, and a kid. I now feel I have to choose one. I don’t even contemplate retirement

  3. Grocery shopping is so depressing now. I remember numbers and joke I could win the price is right so going down the aisles and seeing all the prices on products rise makes me anxious. I do curbside pick up a lot now to avoid it.

  4. Bars and going out for drinks. A mixed drink that is about 3 sips should not cost $15. Last time I went out I got a “jack and Coke” and they charged me $14 for 1oz of Jack and then $3.50 for the half can of Coke they used.

  5. Live music. Coupled with the Ticketmaster/LiveNation monopoly, it’s insane how expensive even the nosebleed seats are.

  6. Eating healthy. I still do so as much as I can but buying good wholesome food at local markets (and chains as well, of course) is kinda above my budget these days.

  7. Having a baby. Before all the prices started to rise dramatically last year, my husband and I worked out we could comfortably afford to start a family. I’m now 5 months pregnant and with the ridiculous energy prices, food going up along with our mortgage that needs renewing in April, I am terrified we might not really be able to afford this new lifestyle. It makes me feel irresponsible and like a failure.

  8. Socializing. It was already hard being an introvert, now you’re telling me I have to go out and talk to people AND spend probably over $100 per night?? I’ll just stay home forever thanks.

  9. Being a SAHM. I’ve had to go back to work for some extra money. I miss being at home with my littlest.

  10. Basically everything but you will not catch me in a Kroger anymore and I used to drink diet cokes all the time but now I don’t want to spend the extra money on them.

  11. Restaurants.

    I used to love going out for dinner, trying new places and new dishes like a proper hobby.

    The other day we went out for some basic pub wings at lunch. One local beer, one iced tea, literally nothing on the plate but 8 mediocre wings and one piece each of celery and carrot.

    Over $80 after tax&tip. Fuck all the way off.

    Had the bonus of a drunk man harassing us with dirty jokes (that also required us to do math, the nerve) shouted across the room.

    I haven’t actually *enjoyed* a meal out since 2019. Seems like food quality has gone down as much as prices have gone up :/

  12. Things I really loved to eat. Bacon is 6$ now instead of 3$, potatoes from 1.99 to 4. 50. Eggs .89 to 6.00. Oj 2.99 to 7.00. Yogurt 3.00 to 6.99.
    My grocery trip used to be 170 for about 2 weeks. Now it’s over 250 with a lot missing and only lasts a week.

    The other part is I noticed a lot of my bodywash shampoo/conditioner and face wash are from Canada. They used to be from America. I live in America. The price went up 3 bucks. For all that.

    Democrats and their crazy spending.

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