Would you pursue an improved career path/advancement in your line of work for yourself if it required you to move to another state, away from your extended family? Or would you remain stagnant/ on the same path that would never change for the length of your career (until retirement) so that your children could grow up near their family and live in one of the best parts of the country?

  1. What’s your line of work? The argument to move for many jobs is a lot weaker in 2023 than say 10 years ago with so many people working from home. With the US being rather weird nowadays, there’s a lot of value in living and raising kids in “one of the best parts of the country.” And it’s important to enjoy your extended family while they are alive and kicking.

    Would it be possible for you to have a side gig that grows over time?

  2. I personally would not move. My husband and I are both in the same situation, where our careers could advance far more if we moved, but we decided to stay to be near our parents and siblings. We make enough to not need the money from a career move

  3. It really depends. Where is the new area? Would the pay increase be enough to have the same or better lifestyle in the current area? Am I close to extended family and are they in good health? How old are my hypothetical kids, and are they on board? My oldest starts high school in the fall and my son starts next year so for me personally I wouldn’t uproot my kids at their age but when they were young absolutely if it would improve our lives.

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