Been going through a really tough time dealing with a breakup of 5 years. I feel lost, alone and unsure of the future. I’m a 31 (M) with a heart of gold but no friends to show it to. Been trying to reach out to my old HS and Elementary friends but they seem to not reply or have other plans. Anyone need a new friend or can anyone give me any tips on how to make new friends? I play drums and listen to a lot of music so that’s what’s been keeping me going. All I want is to be surrounded by people but I struggle to find just one. Any help!

  1. I moved to NorCal and feel the same way! It’s difficult getting out there and making friends as an adult is so awkward. I totally get it. If you enjoy volunteering, that could be an easy way to meet new like minded people.

  2. Look into joining clubs or going to a community center and signing up for volunteer work.
    My favorite choice is that it’s time to move! Los Angeles is infamously superficial, as someone who is neurodivergent, I found it’s impossible for me down there. Mainly because everyone is fighting to survive, they have to focus on their own self-interests. Move out of state to another city where people do not have to fight so hard.

    You can find local clubs online, through a community center, etc.

  3. Ya if you can I would get out of Los Angeles. If not get a Harley it’s helped me make new friends all the time going out on group rides.

  4. That’s Cali for you bro. I grew up out there and I can tell you. You can have the best most loyal friends out there. But if you’re not already friends you have absolutely no chance of breaking into a cliq. The west coast is beautiful, but putting up with California is just not worth it.

  5. lived in LA for the past 6 years and making friends is borderline impossible, especially after COVID ):

  6. I’m in Los Angeles (Venice Beach).
    I was actually going to make a similar post. Need friends to do shit with because it’s tough finding people. A little bit about me…I’m very athletic, work out almost everyday, so if you’re a gym dude that would be great. We can motivate each other and working out together will make us do more. I like poker, badminton, I’m naturally good at all sports I touch (not boasting, just my god given gift I suppose). I like movies, passionate about business, marketing, video editing and currently working creating a YouTube channel.

    Ps: chemistry is chemistry. We can meet and if we vibe than we can continue. If we are too far apart then it is what it is. There’s no shame in trying and I have no ill will if it’s just not vibing. I also take criticism extremely well and genuinely welcome it. You can’t grow if you can’t welcome criticism.

    This comment goes out to Op and anyone in the comment thread. If you feel like I am someone you could potentially be friends with than hit me up and let’s meet.
    Age: 34 yo male

  7. You play drums, you live in LA, and you are really asking about how to meet people?

    Join a band, now.

    I will say it again: join a band.

    Read it everyday until you find a band, then we can talk again.

  8. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s hard to make meaningful connections with people, especially in a new city. I’m in Los Angeles, too, and I can relate to how you’re feeling. Have you tried going to local events or meetups? It could be anything from a hiking group to a movie night. You never know who you might meet and have something in common with. Good luck!

  9. You enjoy music. Want to be surrounded by people. And can’t seem to do this……in LA?? You can listen to live music, with a crowd of people…..anywhere. Public park, public beach, bar, pool hall, Disneyland, Starbucks. Look up the sub for the swingers community!! These folks are the most chill people ever!! Go to one of their clubs. You’re expected to talk to people and have people talk to you so rejection isn’t really a thing. By the end of the night you’ll have had talked to 35 new people. And there’s music

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