I am currently in a relationship that I don’t feel happy in anymore. He treats me well overall but has become very needy of my attention and will get jealous if I want to go out with friends or do things without him… I feel very controlled and no longer feel as my own individual person, with space that allows me to do the things I want to do..
I told him how I felt and that I want to end things but he keeps asking for another chance to make it work better. I do care about him and don’t want to hurt him but I no longer see this as a healthy long term relationship.
What is the best way to go about the breakup? I have never broken up with someone that was on a completely different page of what is happening in the relationship.. any advice is helpful

  1. Sit down with him and tell him kindly but sternly that the relationship is over and don’t give in to the “I’ll do better”. It’s probably going to be rough for both of you but since you said you haven’t been happy for a while then it’s probably for the best.

    It’s best to cut all contact with them and don’t reply if they manage to reach out because that will just delay the inevitable. Continuing talking and seeing each other will give him hope that the relationship can be rekindled and potentially convince you to go back to something that didn’t make you happy.

  2. It sucks but you just have to be clear and that you don’t want to be with him. You don’t want him to try, there is nothing to save. It won’t feel good but it will help him heal faster if he knows there is no hope. Good luck, OP

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