Should I let things go?

Hi guys, so I met a guy last year december at a coffee shop, things went well for a while until one day he sent me a message saying he needed space and he will contact me in a few weeks.

Fast forward to last month, we met (coincidentally) at the same coffee shop and started talking again.
Eventually he knew i was looking for an apartment and he offered me his room in a shared apartment since he was leaving, i moved in a few days later, thing is he told me that i can pay half the rent since during the weekends he will be coming back untill he is settled in his new place in another city. So anyway. We had sex. The day i moved in actually and every week-end since then i have been here because we have been together (on his insistence).

He sends me a message today saying that he would like some space this weekend and that he would like to be alone in his apartment. Which i ofocurse understand but he sent me a message as if he was speaking to a colleague. And he didnt even check to see if i had an alternative or anything (the other weekends i did, but not this weekend) and now i dont know how to handle the situation. My arrogant ass told him i will be gone. But i dont know where to go and what to do.

What do you guys think about him though? Is this normal ??? To do something to someone you claim to like???

  1. This is absurd! You need to be real with him and to yourself. You probably should have a talk with him on what’s stands. First you’re paying rent and boom y’all are smashing! Now he wants you out of the apartment Ugh.
    Ps. I think he sees your affair with him as some transactional thing! But then again you should be real with yourself and runaway from such man cos he obviously doesn’t know what he wants.

  2. This is a super weird predicament but I would set some boundaries if I were you. He sounds like he’s using you at his convenience and not really treating you like a person.

  3. It was an arrangement. You pay half the rent to have the apartment for 5 out of 7 days. The sex was just a fringe benefit between you and him (the leaseholder). Now, he needs you out this weekend so he can service his other FWB, it’s rude but goes with the territory for cheaper rent. Try and sort something out, otherwise, AirBnB, and then make arrangements to move out. You’re obviously not happy with how it ended up.

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