im really bad at giving blowjobs, i cant ride, i cant do anything really.
im a pillow princess and i dont want to be that. im trying so hard to do smth for him but he doesnt like it.
i dont know what to do anymore.
i am trying my hardest i swear to god i dont know what else to do.
i dont like it when i goes in deep or fast or rough, but he does.

i cant even please him with my looks. i know i am not really his type, he told me.
i have no ass no boobs no thighs. i look like a skeleton with really chubby cheeks.

i just want to please him as well

  1. Honestly, in this case, you won’t. It’s one thing if you’re still learning what you like and trying mew things but you’ve tried and don’t like them and that’s ok.

    It also sounds like he’s a dick by saying what he’s said about your looks. This relationship isn’t healthy or sustainable.

  2. Stop trying to force it. You’re not a match at all.. it’s better to break up because you will be so much happier with someone that’s sexually compatible with you. And he will be much happier with someone else that is sexually compatible with him. Sexual compatibility is extremely important. And you’re not even physically compatible, because he doesn’t like the way you look. Save yourself the pain as being with him will damage your self esteem and confidence. Find a guy that actually loves you. It sounds like this guy doesn’t even like you

  3. Its ok to admit to your partner that you aren’t sexually compatible. Open communication is key. Maybe try experimenting with foreplay first. When you find something that works for both of you, go from there. Sex can be a bit embarrassing at times when you want different things and when this is your life partner we always want to please them. Maybe lifestyle changes can help. Exercise to build those muscles. More water to help with lubrication. Ect..

  4. WTF?????
    For a second there i tought it was a post about a couple having difficulties matching sexually, but after reading it..
    One thing is slowly finding a way to be compatible and experience and trying out new things/methods together etc to become compatible, it’s perfectly natural not to be compatible, people have diferent experiences in life, self esteem plays in etc etc, another is him being a straight up asshole and treating you like shit…
    Don’t do that to yourself…

  5. Are you me??? Seriously though, as another skinny bitch who can’t do anything sexually, if you’re the right person and that guy loves the shit out of you it doesn’t matter, you will learn with time and you will feel CONFIDENT about your beautiful body because he will make you feel that way, you need to find someone who likes girls who look like you (guys like that do exist, trust me, I know exactly how you feel) and you need to find someone who likes the same sex you do, this isn’t gonna last in the long run im sorry and I know it hurts cause I’ve been there and it’s incredibly easy to blame yourself but it’s not your fault, you want to please him and he’s not giving you the same respect back.

  6. Try mutual masturbating

    If you want to do something special for him and want to show him what it is about sex you like then pleasing yourself in front of him might give him ideas of what you like during sex and what he should be doing.

    He should be focused on pleasuring you, perhaps he lacks a skill, its not all about giving him head (this is a loop I’m caught up in my sex life).

    The two of you might gain from masturbating together in front of one another.

  7. Please him by leaving him.

    He will find someone who is more suited to his needs.

    It really sounds like you are getting your self-worth from an abusive bf who enjoys torturing your ego.

    Get therapy.

  8. Eww he sounds awful. I would feel uncomfortable trying new things with him too if that’s how he acts/treats you.

    You can definitely do better than that. Also doesn’t sound like he cares very much about if you’re enjoying yourself. Major turn off

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