I (23F) met this guy (26M) and i need advice pls

I basically go very often and stay in the same place in this university library where this guy goes too. We used to see each other almost everyday in the same spot. One day, it was a the night before an important examen an i had to stay for a late study he talked to me for the first time. A small fun talk he gave me some instructions and tips since we have same subjects and that’s it didn’t ask for my social media contacts or anything. Few days later we met for a second time he asked about how i scored ect. And we talked for a 3 rd time. What’s annoying me is that he can obviously tell that im interested in him, i talk to him smile when i see him wave back ect.. but he isn’t making any move not even trying to contact me and it’s been almost a month and a half. Also he is no longer sitting in the same place with me like he used to before, so i changed place too.

Now i wanna know if im overreacting lol. Im kinda having a serious crush on him. Is he trying to be friendly only or did i do something wrong

1 comment
  1. He probably doesn’t know you’re into him. You should ask him out. It seems ridiculous to me that you’re just waiting for him to ask you out, while only sending him the faintest signs. Take control of your life! If you want something, you need to actively pursue it, don’t just wait around passively.

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