I’ve been watching episodes from 2018 and 2019 recently and regained my childhood love of the jezza Kyle show

Are there any shows like it on today?

Yes it’s trash tv. I love trash

  1. Hopefully not. Disgusting exploitation made for idiots and that poor bloke killing himself was a long time coming.

  2. >I’ve been watching episodes from 2018 and 2019 recently and regained my childhood love of the jezza Kyle show

    I strongly suggest that you re- forget your love for the Jeremy Kyle Show. It was a disgusting TV show that should never have been aired.

    I have a higher opinion of Mrs Brown’s Boys, as terrible as it is, I don’t think it’s actually ruined any lives!

  3. If you’re into trash american stuff there’s Bad Girls Club- I’m pretty sure you can watch episodes on YouTube, probably on other streaming services. It’s a bunch of very ghetto women beating each other up all the time it’s terrible but great tv

  4. The Jeremy Kyle Show was designed to exploit the most vulnerable people in society. It was cancelled after Jeremy bullied a man so much that he killed himself, because Jeremy screamed at him that he’d been cheating on his girlfriend.

    Jeremy Kyle ruined people’s lives.

  5. It’s more than trash TV. It ruined people’s lives, and you’re a terrible person for supporting it.

  6. That exact model won’t be back for quite a while. This wasn’t trash TV, it was exploitative poverty porn.

    There’s plenty of Trash TV on, but there has been some correction from the era where people were encouraged to ruin their lives on national TV.

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