I 22m wasn’t really looking forward to a beard because everyone always thought I was older because I’m tall. I’m looking at all my friends beards and I’m far far behind from where I wanna be.
Let’s talk about beards.

  1. Just keep trimming it to the shape you want it until it fills in to the shape you want it. Beard trimmer with different settings.

  2. As stupid as It Sounds, you will have to look bad before you look good.

    Let it grow out for a month or two, then visit a men’s barbershop.

    They can help you with the different styles your genetics allow you to have.

  3. The very first step is to get a professional shave. All these guys talking about how itchy their beard is? It’s because they’ve been using electric razors or otherwise doing a crappy job shaving and so when it starts growing out, the hair is frazzled.

    Beyond that, never stroke, comb, brush, or trim any direction except down. You want to train the hairs to go down, since that’s the best direction for a beard.

    If you’re having a professional trim your beard and they have a plastic comb, say you’ve changed your mind and leave immediately.

  4. Here’s exactly how I got my beard to kick in at 23. Got myself a shaver, would grow it for a month, then trim it to 1, repeat until it connected. Luckily it was lockdown so I could stay at home. Now I have a beard like The Weeknd.

  5. I can go two months, and it Still not look visible until you come close and feel the ratty hairs. If I don’t shave.

  6. Change genes.

    I’ve been shaving since I was 13, and freshly shaved me still has five o’clock shadow. Been rolling with a beard for a few years now

  7. Have a father, and uncles (especially uncles on the maternal side) who have thick beards.

    If you don’t have the genetics for it, you may never be able to do so. My father never could grow a beard, he’s 86 and still waiting. Same for my brother, who is now 44. But I inherited mine from my maternal side, I have the best beard in my family.

    Even if you do have the right genes, it takes about 10 years and sometimes more, to get from first appearance to final potential. So, unless you started shaving before the age of 12, you still have some years to wait.

    And let’s dispel the myth that shaving more often makes it grow thicker. It doesn’t; it only makes the individual hairs *appear* thicker because you’re chopping off the fine, soft ends. It won’t cause any *new* hairs to appear.

  8. Got to get through the itchy phase. Get yourself a beard oil it does help. Don’t just let it all grow then think you can style it later, keep shaving your neck and cheeks. Once it is growing in at least once a month go to a proper barber to shape and trim it otherwise you end up with a lot of cheek hair and long sideburns that look shit.

  9. Get a 0.25mm beard roller and use it every other day whilst applying moisturiser afterwards. Beard roller helped fill in before blank patched but also promotes growth although not guaranteed as like people have said, it’s what your genetics allow

  10. Genetics, age and patience.

    Also work with what you have, weak cheeks? Grow a van dyke. Strong stache, go for a beardstache.

  11. Just let it grow wild for a couple of months. Easier said than done especially if you have any dates/weddings etc planned and don’t want to look scruffy but it will give your bear a natural shape and what your capable of growing as everyone’s different. Just make sure you wash it and use hair conditioner on it every 2 days to stop the itching. You can comb it and use oil etc. After a few weeks you’ll be able to see the bit that don’t grow asmuch etc and can use the shave to get a straight light on your cheek and neck line.

  12. genetics helps that’s it, nothing else will grow you a beard. You either can or you can’t. Hell my ancestry DNA kit traits thing tells you if you have the genetics for it.

  13. Some people can grow a beard, some people cannot. If you happen to belong to the second group, there is nothing you can do to help with the process unless you want to do super expensive hair transplantation surgery. Any other tricks you read online about improving beard growth or salves or oils that people sell and claim to help are just scams.

  14. You either have good beard genes or you don’t. Some dudes just don’t, and there’s not much they can do about it. Your beard may never come, and you may just have to accept that.

  15. Working out and healthy diet will increase testosterone and most likely speed up the bearding process

  16. Unfortunately sometimes genetics just mean you can’t grow one. Mine is shit, so I keep myself shaved. I’m 31. Some people just can’t do a proper beard.

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